Real ID part 2

I agree Battle Tag yes. Real Names NO.


What makes you think this is new?

If your personal information is posted on one of our community forums, you may contact us at to request removal. Sometimes, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let you know if we cannot do so and why.


Come at me

I will never post on these forums again if this goes through. Hell i might want to just get rid of my whole account. Don’t do this.


I think the wording here is misunderstood. When it says " For certain forums, anyone posting or replying to a post may be doing so using their Real ID – that is, their full first and last name – with the option to also display the name of their primary in-game character (see discussion regarding Real ID below). If your personal information is posted on one of our community forums, you may contact us at to request removal." To me, it implies the person is doing that deliberately and not that the forums automatically post your real name and ID.

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So here’s what they do with the info they gather:

  • Ad targeting via ‘Paid Media’
  • Ad targeting via ‘Custom Audience’ and similar systems—Appropriate ads for players considering their previous purchases (Your unencrypted personal information are never shared with third parties without your consent.)
  • Attribution & media measurement
  • Publishing email - Marketing campaigns
  • Analytics & data segmentation
  • Training & development
  • Statistics/reporting
  • Troubleshooting and diagnostics
  • Data Privacy Notifications System
  • Mobile push notifications
  • Social Media Content Management
  • Research and studies
  • Finance and accounting

The problem is that the wording could go either way, and they did already try once before to make the forums automatically use your first and last name.

So nobody should put it past them to try it again.


You know, I would be willing to just pay more instead of them selling my information.

Sadly, it seems companies today don’t want money from consumers, they just want to sell your data to profit


And everyone disables realid at once

This is different from the Real ID fracas of the past.

That’s when they were making it mandatory for everyone to use.

This is just legacy CYA for folks that do use it, that do share their real names with their buddies, and how that information might leak out in to the wild.

If you don’t use it now, this is nothing to worry about.

Only reason I won’t post mine: hitta .se exists.

You Google me and you’ll get my address, birth date, phone number, and a Google earth view of my house.

Sweden is great about doxxing you. Lol.

cant imagine this going well at all. Free dox’s for everyone who disagrees with you!

Glad I seen this post. I turned mine off.

My first name alone is so unique all you have to do is google it, and my home address and phone number shows up ><


We need to hold people SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE for trolling on a 15 year old game’s forum lmfao


how did you turn it off?


go to battle . net, sign in, account settings, privacy, account privacy, click on the update part, and uncheck the box.



I have realid on. Does that mean y’all can see my name? I do not know how to check that for another but if someone can view my profile and tell me with a reply, that would be nice.

Also, might some of this have to do with fb, instagram, and twitters and such. Some folks just have it all out there like that.

Now, the voice chat part is the part that just rubs me the wrong way. I suppose using the discord or some other voice chat server may be a way to avoid it?

Edited to add an additional question: If I turn off realid, will I no longer be able to chat with a friend that is playing the opposite faction? If I can still do that with just battletag, then there is no use for me to have it on at all.

I also can’t recall having an option to share my realid when making a friend request. Perhaps I have been doing that all along. EEEK!

thank you!!!

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I just want to know if Donald Trump main’s a demon hunter.