Reagent bag notification stuck on screen

Thank you! I had done all of those things except for reopening my bags after disabling Bagnon. You have made my day!

The amount of things Blizz screwed up… ffs why not put a simple little X at the corner of these stupid messages… I hate having to jump through the hoops on these dumb tooltips

edit: I even got rid of the message but it shows up again when reenabling bagnon, no matter what I do… Blizzard… for the love of all that is holy why is EVERYTHING so difficult with you? Literally all you had to do was add a little X but you wanted to be special… holy cow


Removing your bag addon, reloading, clicking off the dialog, then reloading the bag addon works…until it doesn’t.
Somehow it stops working a few days later. Alts are an issue too. I can’t seem to win. Please make it stop.

While this is a fix that seems to work, we should not have to do this! There is clearly a bug that needs resolved.

On my tailor, every time I craft a bag for a guildie, or for AH, I have to go through this process to get rid of the dialog… NOT COOL…

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You should not need to disable addons, I have gotten around it by 1st making sure I have no extra reagent bags in my inventory, or the tip will come right back, and then reloading the UI.


This worked. Just got rid of the extra reagant bag and it stopped coming back.

ALSO, if you’re using BAGON, it MAY appear at the BOTTOM of the addon list, this was my problem.

This works.

The easier way is to just open your bag with your addon enabled, and then /reload. Works every time.

Edit: If you continue to keep a reagent bag INSIDE your bags, you will get the message again. It’s not consistent, but you equip it or offload it or the message will come back.

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ty. This worked for me

THIS. This worked for me. I had the quest bag in my bags. Deleted it and the notification went away. I wouldn’t have even though about that! Thanks!

Bag Pro Solution

Thank you !!