Ready For War / Zandalari unlock

Nathanos Blightcaller on The Banshee’s Wail offers a quest “Tracking Tidesages” , it begins the 6th part of the Ready for War achievement on horde. Once accepting the quest it asks you to speak with Tattersail to sail to Stormsong Valley. Upon speaking to Tattersail there is no option to sail to Stormsong Valley. If I abandon the quest the option reappears. I even tried turning the quest in without sailing there but there is no turn in. Not sure what to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

There are a few things I can think of to try.

First, try relogging. Sometimes that will fix phasing glitches.

Next, I’d try turning off addons. Sometimes you can get some weird interference. It might even be worth trying a full UI reset. I’d definitely do a UI reset if you get to the point where you want to try a ticket (and mention you tried the reset in the ticket) as it’s one of the first things they will recommend.

Do you have any other quests that originate on the boat available/in your log? Maybe something is creating a phasing conflict.

If none of that works and no one else has any ideas, then a ticket it probably your best option.

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this worked!! thank you!!! :laughing: