READ THIS! GO to Walgreens, circle K and Dollar General to get exclusive tabards for in game via Trolli gummies

I just wish I could get the main one I was after… I really want the red one but we don’t have a circle K near me … :frowning: Shoot I can’t do the Kroger either cause the nearest one of those is 2 hours away from me… XD

I hope there is another way to get these tabards.

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I just got some from Wally World and I can’t find the damned receipt!


no dollar generals or circle K’s near me. i really want that red tabard :frowning:

I was skeptical on this event as well, and how it’s being handled with the same amount of care as the way that the disappearing guild banks is being handled. (Seemingly none! :expressionless:)

Sarcasm aside, I sent in a submission on the 7th and never heard anything back…So I figured maybe I didn’t do it right the first time, let me re-submit it so I did that yesterday. I kid you not, in less than an hour they were emailing me back that the re-submission I sent in had already been submitted and cleared as valid.

So if it was cleared and valid, why did I never get an email containing the promo code for over 2 business days? (Never got anything in my Spam folder either as I was checking that diligently because I know these types of things can sometimes end up filtered as Spam mail.)

So then: where is my promo code? I’m like, there could be some logic here…Perhaps they were inundated with submissions and their team is behind? But then there was the part of me that was like, no way are they just collecting these codes and reselling them on the internet…Right? …RIGHT?! :thinking:

I emailed their ‘Contact Us’ support email and am currently waiting to hear back from that. Not holding my breath…

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FFS there are Circle K’s here in Canada. Why the hell can’t we get tabards?

I redeemed mine on and nothing showed up in game, on the launcher, or anywhere else. Anyone having this problem? I also submitted two different receipts and the Trolli website says I redeemed both, both bought from Walgreens. So this thing seems like a bit of a mess.

if circle k is kmart they went out of business so.

Can someone give me their nearest locations from Moosejaw?

It finally happened and my code arrived today lol.

I just went to the homepage, logged into my account, and then navigated to account settings. There was a box to enter the code in, and then after that process the pet was in Collections after logging in.

Can youse pick me up a 36 pack of something at Circle K?

Yeah! I think I have unused rewards.

Is it true that you can only get either the Green tabard or the gummie pet? there was no option to choose on the website and i got the pet. im afraid it locked me out of the other reward

Yes that is true that you can only choose one or the other. I tried to go back and enter the redemption code but naturally, I got an error message that it’s already been redeemed.

I don’t want to give the wrong information here but in order to get the pet AND the tabard, if I had to guess I think that you would need to make two separate transactions.

Circle K is a Gas Station NOT Kmart


Circle K is a convenience store that sells beer, bread, soda, and ciggies. They sometimes sell pre-paid game time card too.

I got Walgreens and DG nearby but Circle K is going to be a problem for me. I’ll quote my post from another thread

I’ll trade you a Circle K receipt/code for a Dollar General one :stuck_out_tongue:

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WoW has officially gone white trash, 'eh?

If this is a legit offer I’m game, I have several Dollar General codes.

I’m down to try. I’m traveling to my Circle K area tmrw so it’d be perfect if you wanna trade.