Hello, so my problem started about a week ago. Any change to my hotbars won’t save and it’s pretty annoying. I contacted Blizzard about it and they tried helping me but I can’t figure anything out. I was told that the “Read Only” property is causing my interface to not change. Though when I uncheck it just goes back to normal. I’m on Windows 10, my world of warcraft game file is on my second drive. Can someone please help me. Thanks in advance.
Hey Nezrexus,
Are you talking about the “Read Only” flag on the WTF folder itself? Or the config.wtf file inside the WTF folder?
If it’s the WTF folder itself you’re trying to change, it is actually normal for Read Only to become selected again when you uncheck it, apply changes, and then close and reopen the folder. I just verified this is how it works on my system as well, so yeah it is intentional and should not have any effect on action bars not saving.
Now the config.wtf file itself should not be marked as Read Only. If unchecking that and applying changes doesn’t get it to stick then I’d recommend just deleting the file and re-launching WoW so that a new one will be recreated.
If the issue persists after that then you may be having an issue with permissions due to the game being installed on a secondary drive. You could try moving WoW over to the primary harddrive if you have space, or you could try creating a new administrator account to reset the permissions and test things again.
I just fixed my problem by moving my game files over to my main system drive. Now everything is saved. Thank you for your help.
My hotbars are actually acting up again. I tried deleting the Config.WTF file and it still didn’t work. What else could I do?
(Posting it on this character since it won’t let me on the other.
Type this command into your in game chat and press enter:
/console synchronizeSettings 1
Then safely log out of the game, log back in, then modify your bars for me. If that doesn’t fix it, you’ll need to completely reset your UI, which should fix the problem.
I tried doing both things and neither of them worked. Ritual of Doom keeps getting added to my hotbars and in the chat it says that I learned it.
That Ritual of Doom issue is a bug. There is nothing you can do on your end to resolve it. We will need to address the problem on our end.
Oh, I probably should have mentioned that in the beginning then… THanks for helping me. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
No worries, sorry for the confusion!
I have an issue similar to this. When I am updating my graphics, some of the settings change, and some of them don’t. As a general example, I changed my settings to the minimal (Graphics: 1) to the maximum (Graphics: 10), however. Some of the settings are not changing, and certain textures of certain things don’t change/update.
The Config.wtf is not ready-only, and all of my pc users have permissions.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Exit the game and launcher completely. Reboot your computer. Right click on the launcher and select to Run as Administrator. Change your settings, then repeat the process again and the settings should be saved.
It worked for a second, but it doesn’t seem to retain that ability to save the changes. As a more concrete example I having been basing this issue off of: the items in my collection tab are loading in the models as lower quality (I believe this setting is a part of the projected textures, I may be wrong) I also have not been able to repeat your process to get it back to the higher graphics.
Edit: I’ve also tried to delete my Config.wtf while starting the program as Admin to see if that would save the settings and that didn’t do it either.
I am having the exact same problem!
some time ago windows update (new windows build) changed all files and folders to read only right click the file that you want to change ----- Properties ----- Security ---- to change permissions click edit, click Add, click advanced, click find now, under search results window scroll down a bit click on Everyone, click OK then OK again, tick the Full control box hit Apply then you should be good to go if wow will save your new settings…
tried all this but nothing works
It is likely because that advice was given many years ago.