Read my Lips, NO SHARDING

No problem friendo, just trying to educate the masses and stop them from perpetuating lies.


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Okay but again… wasn’t blizzards original stance on rp server that crz wouldn’t be available but they still were? I’m actually asking so don’t get smug

That smug part was a joke so don’t take it as an attack.

I have no idea about their CRZ stance on RP realms. Don’t feel like digging for a post right now.

Yea I don’t either haha

Then the analogy is incorrect.

We understand, and I understand completely, that sharding is antithetical to a cohesive Classic community.

We are competing over limited resources. When Lord Kazzak is up, and guilds are racing to defeat him, there needs to be only one Lord Kazzak. You’re trying to get, you know, if you’re trying to lock down the thorium vein spawn in limited sections of the world, you should be competing over limited resources.

If you equate the Superbowl to Lord Kazzak, Hogger, resources, etc. There would be only one Superbowl.

The reason there would only be one Lord Kazzak is that he is in the Blasted Lands, which is not a starting zone and therefore not sharded. If Elwynn Forest is sharded, there is a separate Hogger in each shard. There could also be a major roleplaying event in one version of Goldshire, a low level dueling tournament in a second and nothing in a third.

So you are convinced that there will only be one Hogger per server, and sharding in “starting areas” will not affect this Hogger quest?

I am not convinced of this, myself.

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You do realize that was a quote from a Classic interview right?

Emerald Dream was destroyed now that the world (anywhere) can’t support having more than about 50 or 60 players present before everything goes to crap. It was the go-to place for battles of 4+ raids at once, the last big casualty of the new server structure.

Sharding, if used should be limited to the basic starting zones and only used as a caution to stop servers from completely crashing or lengthy login queues; they shouldn’t be used to convenience players or make it ‘possible’ to complete quests. That’s part of launch–if you can log in, its fine. If you can’t complete any quests, that’s fine too. The threshold on live is a tiny fraction of what sharding in Classic needs to be.

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I was on Stormrage last night, there was about 120 people around the AH in Stormwind.

This is definitely not the case and would be rather ridiculous.

They would have to create a shard browser so you could teleport your character in-between shards until you find the shard that has Hogger in it

This shard inevitably will have every single player interested killing Hogger in it, defeating the whole point of sharding the zone in the first place.

Except for players who have not researched the special Classic sharding method, who will be stuck in a Hogger-less shard, wondering why he isn’t where the quest says he is.

Sorry, I meant in combat—the threshold for standing around is likely much higher.

You do realize that your quote didn’t mention Hogger, and that Kazzak and Hogger are two very, very different things, right?

I hope you’re right, and sharding doesn’t extend that far outside of Northshire and into Elwynn Forest.

Is Classic going to have a different kind of sharding method compared to retail sharding?

Not to my knowledge, but if only one of the Elwynn Forest shards had Hogger in it, it would be.

Elwynn Forest is sharded in retail right now, with potentially many different Hoggers in different shards. How would Classic be any different from retail, aside perhaps from the CRZ aspect of sharding?

When i read your lips it looks like your saying … “Alligator Food”? … Or is it … “I lo…” , nah can’t be.

I don’t think it would be.

Yep, but go ahead an smoosh all of it around to fit the narrative all you like.

Did he intentionally leave out general MOBs, maybe he meant named MOBs, or MOBs are resources. We can spin this all day if you’d like.

My post up there was saying there would not be multiple superbowls. That is pretty fitting with the interview context.

What is very clear is people have decided to vilify sharding even if the details are not there.

Oh, okay – I must have misinterpreted what you meant by “special.”

In any case, I hope both you and Ristra are correct and that sharding, if it winds up existing, does not reach Hogger. :slight_smile:

Well, to be fair, Blizzard could supply details such as “sharding will definitely not reach greater Elwynn Forest and will definitely not include Hogger” so we can rest a little easier on how far “starting areas” go (as well as the “first few weeks” would be good to have a number range with a maximum).

Also there is room to be slightly skeptical that Blizzard won’t absolutely nail the correct line-in-the-sand when it comes to where and when the temporary sharding stops.

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Personally I will be okay if they just shard Northshire Abbey and not Elwynn Forest.