Reaction Videos Are Lazy, Stupid Content

Seriously. I don't get them. Who are these people who watch these videos in earnest? Any of you know anyone who does or do you yourself? I searched for "Lost Honor" on YouTube last night to show it to my girlfriend and all there were was piles of these lazy idiotic reaction videos.

Not surprisingly TradeChat the second or third laziest WOW content creator was up there with her reaction video.
I don’t mind them. If there is someone I follow on YouTube, I don’t mind seeing what they thought about something or when they point out things I might have missed.

But there are a lot of them. I have no interest in watching any from random people I don’t normally follow. Im also not a big fan of this is my reaction to some other youtubers video. That just comes across as lazy.
I only watch specific people reacting to specific things. Lost Honor doesn't seem like something I need to see other people's reactions to.

The latest Smash Bros Ultimate Nintendo Direct, tho, I watched a reaction vid from a guy I follow on YouTube who does fighting game content, and I just loved seeing his pure joy and shock and whatever else. Even though I'd already wached it, it go me back in that same mood, I was laughing and cheering with him.

I follow a few people who do Kingdom Hearts content, always fun to watch them see the new trailers that drop, since they usually reveal new worlds or characters and some mindf**k plot twist.

When Dragonball Super was airing (in japan, its still airing in english), I'd watch reaction vids of the hype moments, just to see people lose it lol.
While I follow several machinimators on YouTube I rarely watch their reaction videos. To be honest I really don't care about their reactions. If they were in my guild or I played with them or was friends with them then I might give a !@#$ but otherwise it just doesn't matter to me what they think.
this way or that.
You hate it so much you posted a link? I'm confused.
lack of creativity.

and yet they still get money from their fanbase..

pretty smart world? or total morons? or too many rich people?

to each their own..
Sometimes you just want to hear other people opinions and see how they react. I don't mind it as long it's not predictable.
I like the reaction vids of the guy that watches cooking shows, kalen:

gaming reacts? nah
I kid you not, her content is why I don't watch YouTube WOW content anymore beyond Bellular and Preach (Holla ballas!). She's a skinny chick who has crazy wigs and tattoos and just sits there like an emo stick figure staring at her screen gasping. The hell is this? I just don't get it.

11/04/2018 06:38 AMPosted by Woodspath

I kid you not, that person is the definitive reason I don't like reaction videos.

At first, I thought they were kinda sorta interesting... and then I seen one of hers. It dawned on me at that point how completely ridiculous reaction videos are.
Yes, they are right up there with "unboxing" videos as far as being a worthless waste of time.
Then don't watch them? Let people enjoy what they want. Ignore the things you don't.

Crazy concept I know.
Whenever I've watched a reaction video, it was because the video they were reacting to interested me. I would end up watching part of the reaction and then go search for the original video they were reacting to.

Now I just go looking for the original without bothering with the reaction.
Reaction videos are pointless, yes.

Your own opinion is what matters. Others' doesn't.
1. Tells people to ignore things they don't like and keep their opinions to themselves.

2. Refuses to ignore thread he doesn't like and posts in it anyway

11/04/2018 07:01 AMPosted by Vaeana
Then don't watch them? Let people enjoy what they want. Ignore the things you don't.

Crazy concept I know.
11/04/2018 06:25 AMPosted by Sarcasmic
Seriously. I don't get them. Who are these people who watch these videos in earnest? Any of you know anyone who does or do you yourself? I searched for "Lost Honor" on YouTube last night to show it to my girlfriend and all there were was piles of these lazy idiotic reaction videos.

Not surprisingly TradeChat the second or third laziest WOW content creator was up there with her reaction video.

Indeed, and Asmongold is one of the biggest morons making them.
11/04/2018 06:59 AMPosted by Bagopuke
Yes, they are right up there with "unboxing" videos as far as being a worthless waste of time.

i'm not a fan of e-celeb content, but some unboxing videos are helpful when deciding to buy certain products. for example, I needed to know if the playstation tv I was going to order came with an hdmi cable and memory card. the website didn't mention the hdmi cable, and I wasn't sure if the memory card was internal or external. the unboxing video answered all my questions in under 30 seconds.

some unboxing videos also focus on the quality of the product, which is important for consumers that don't have the option of seeing it in person before they make a purchase(e.g. that one limited edition title that included a cheaply made statue for $300)
11/04/2018 07:10 AMPosted by Sarcasmic
1. Tells people to ignore things they don't like and keep their opinions to themselves.

2. Refuses to ignore thread he doesn't like and posts in it anyway

11/04/2018 07:01 AMPosted by Vaeana
Then don't watch them? Let people enjoy what they want. Ignore the things you don't.

Crazy concept I know.

So you can't actually read, can you? I said nothing about keeping your opinion to yourself. I just gave you an option to save you the stress of dealing with something you don't like.
11/04/2018 07:11 AMPosted by Trollingyou
11/04/2018 06:25 AMPosted by Sarcasmic
Seriously. I don't get them. Who are these people who watch these videos in earnest? Any of you know anyone who does or do you yourself? I searched for "Lost Honor" on YouTube last night to show it to my girlfriend and all there were was piles of these lazy idiotic reaction videos.

Not surprisingly TradeChat the second or third laziest WOW content creator was up there with her reaction video.

Indeed, and Asmongold is one of the biggest morons making them.

Apt name asmongold doesnt make reaction vids. He only streams when he decides to watch videos recommended to him during stream and other people clip and upload it.
When you go to the modern equivalent of public access TV for your entertainment needs, you get what you pay for. I wouldn’t let it bother you. It’s totally fine not to watch what you don’t like.