Hi it’s me, axolotl. I’ve returned from the depths of the shadowlands to attempt to gain rating in arenas. I used to be pretty good, 2-2.2k averaging each season that I seriously played PvP. However I now need to re-learn what the dangers from each class are and solo-queue isn’t doing that for me. I can’t seem to learn what is powerful and what isn’t because of lack of communication, lack of gear, and apparently lack of awareness that my team members have decided to yolo 4 square 2 step zug zug across the map in the first 3 seconds of a match and die instantly.
I would love someone to do 2s and 3s with and maybe RBGs. I main hpal for arenas and I’m known for the grand “Axo-Hoj” aka hoj’ing and repping while being a maniac. I consider myself pretty fun but I do get frustrated when I can’t seem to figure out what is happening in each game. I want to get better and hopefully get to 1600 this season or next.
My btag is Axolotl#1111 if this is an interest to anyone. May the light be with you and good fortune in your battles.