RE: Healers becoming toxic

no, don’t think i will

u still wrote a whole lot.

Man, if you had any idea how far you came from hitting the bull’s eye when talking about Kasius with this statement. lol


Lmao right?

I have a solid 2 years /played of mediocre Ele gameplay across all my shaman

Or the end of SL S1 when Outlaw pvp talents were previewed and I raved about how good got a sure thing kiddo from everyone lol

Huge metaslave i am.

Wild how he thinks that would validate him being both a hypocrite and a stinky turd lmao


hehe i get this

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I duno why Vendes is even surprised when people save screen shots of his rage whispers. It’s like what he’s known for. You’ll be sitting in Discord, get a notification and someone posted the 500th Vendes rage whisper and everyone is like ‘haaaa Vendes being Vendes’ then goes back to doing whatever they were doing.

As for the healer’s becoming toxic thing? Healing right now isn’t a lot of fun, and it’s made less fun when people do goofy things (which ‘goofy things’ more or less encapsulates RSS). While raging at people in-game isn’t really my thing, I definitely get frustrated–which is the largest part of why I just don’t do RSS. I don’t think anyone is ‘becoming’ toxic, you’re just there in the exact moment when someone is stressed out from trying to do something hard and is lashing out.

I’d invite any DPS main to give healing a shot, maybe you’ll gain an understanding of why it annoys us when we drop spirit link and you run out of it and go hide behind a pillar. lol


LOL 10char

Literally everyone who knows Kasius memes about how this guy goes out of his way to play off meta.

Guess you’re just throwing generic insults out?

Idk man go back to mythic plus and cool down again. You’re just embarrassing yourself.


I imagine the most frustrating thing for healers with this meta game of modifier stacking and wild health swings is the healer can’t actually do anything to carry a game if their partners are acting like training dummies with a dps meter.


RSS becoming the primary form of arena was worse for healing than the meta, IMO.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

vendes go reeeeeeeee again

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Please do not stop whispering every warrior you come across!!! Fury or Arms.

Remind them… please remind them… always remind them!!! that they have half a brain cell.

Anyone that enjoys playing a class with literally a 2 button DPS rotation reflects / warrants the above insult.

The warriors I am witnessing “winning”

do not deserve to win in any shape or form. Far too much reward for far too little. No insult delivered via whisper is not even closely comparable to the pain of actually having to heal / play against this class. The most stressful class to heal!!

No not because of the warriors standard cry “Iam squishy”… the “go to” warrior complaint, but due to the common warrior repeatedly doing the below:

  • LoS like monkeys,
  • never shut down CC trains
  • don’t use defensives whilst heals is CC’d / or during big opposing offensive CD’s
  • spell reflect / interrupt the possible lowest priority spells,
  • DR stormbolt (always)
  • zero focus / A-123 binds,
  • stacking noticeably CC
  • sitting wrong targets

Meanwhile the opposing Sub rogue couldn’t have played any more perfect and still falls to the sword of the warrior who played so terribly.

@lasso guy, I am with this angry priest - FU and the horse you came in on.

thats why i have vendes on ignore.

literally the only person i have on ignore. except eorc but i think he was perma banned from the forums.

ill whisper whatever clever harhar

ignoring ppl seems waste of energy.

u don’t even have vene as one of ur points. el oh el hehe

Its not on their action bars

hehe /10char

is that an npc response?

i mean, is it?