Re: fixing server balance

I think the point many people are making is that if this is the approach blizzard is going to take, then all transfers should be free and unrestricted.


The problem with your analogy is that a truck is not a person with wants and desires of its own.

To piggy back on your analogy, it more like Blizzard is a trucking company that employs drivers and sets deadlines for deliveries. While it’s not explicitly stated that you have to break any laws to get your load to the destination by the deadline, the ones that do get there on time get bonuses, and the ones that don’t get their pay docked.

But I’m not trying to make it seem like they’re innocent here. As I said, this was all about them trying to avoid responsibility. Where we are now is what happens when you do that. They have bigger problems now than they would have if they had just set limitations from the start.

A opinion from a recently canceled sub from dying Bene horde.

All these downsides and reason presented by the Green / Blue post make 0 sense to me when the whole time this problem was happening they allow people to pay $25 per char to do what they are saying are “problems”.

I have lost my char identity every expack due to requiring a server transfer or re-roll to play on a live server or with friends.

Lets call a spade a spade, Blizzard makes to much money from transfers to make any changes. Until we speak with our wallets, this will never improve.

Seriously just look at Bene alone, in 2 months the Alli grew from 13K to 19K on the IronForge website. That could be a Max of $175,000 of almost 95%+ Margin that Activision made. The horde has gone from 5K to <2K in the same time so another $75,000. Who here would walk into their boardroom tomorrow and tell your boss “I have an idea to help improve customer moral but it will be a potential $250,000 loss in revenue year over year.”

We need to un-subscribe, it is our only option. Stand up and unite or continue the cycle.


No server merges, and no cross realm zones. When they turned on CRZ in current content during Legion was the final straw for me to quit retail.

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It makes perfect sense because it gives people the choice instead adversely effecting others.

Occasionally they will even off free xfers.

Faction imbalance is an issue - but offering free transfers to just one side also causes issues.

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What choice do I have as a char on a server with almost no Horde population?

The free transfers they do eventually offer are a joke cause they have rules around them instead of just being what they should be, the same as the paid transfer.

You response is just another point that Blizzard would prefer to remain as status quo raking in the profits they get from xfers instead of taking any action.


Thsts far from the problem, ita actually ome of the few smart things he said… But sometimes it is like they dont even understand their own game…

“If a server is 70/30 we cant just open up server xfers because then what if all the “30’s” moved???” Or you could… you know… control xfers by faction bot server pop. Its so basic and yet… it apparently hasnt even occurred to them.

But thanks for responding to stupid ideas like merges. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

This is ultimately what we’re fighting against. They probably can’t say it, but you know it’s true. However, not everybody who has their server die on them transfers. Some people just quit. So now, Blizzard loses $15/month for potentially the next few years. Then again, maybe they have some data that tells them it’s more financially viable to charge for the transfers.

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So then what?

Thats obviously a very very simplistic perspective… For one, 250k in revenue is nothing to a company this size. Literally nothing. I imagine Acti-Blizz spends well over 250k on alcohol yearly. and that’s not even an exaggeration.
Its also all relative to the cost… If youre gaining 250k in revenue but every $25 of that costs you 2-3 subs then thats “penny wise, dollar foolish” and a net loss long term

Sadly, they don’t even lose the subscription for years cause we all come back eventually. You can stop wow for a bit but you can’t ever quite. /cry

Even if it’s just six months, that’s still $60 compared to $25

IF you want CRZ, or server mergers go to retail. 100% do not want it in classic, and will quit directly again because of it if they add it.

And to your then what comment. It is not my problem to solve its blizzards. My 2 cents is do not add CRZ trash to classic unless you want people to quit.


I think whether you like transfers or not, we can all agree that, in a world with multiple servers, if you transfer, it has a significant affect on your in-game experience and objective success, and on those of players around you.

Either transfers should be free, or removed. Payed transfers easily fall in the “pay-to-win” category, which is toxic for pretty much any game.

Maybe Sixxfury or Basil should make this a topic of its own on the CC forum. Transfers are a hot topic on SoM forums and TBCC forums. The existence of and price of transfers, and related restrictions, is worth getting feedback on from blizzard.

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Got it. You don’t know what you want. You just know what you don’t want. Your input is useless.

As for

people are already quitting. They have to stop the bleeding somehow.

Of course it is simplistic, we have very little data to go off of. This is also 1 server in NA PVP that I used, what about others? We have no proof as to how many subs are lost from this behavior because WOW is always up and down with subs. Subs could also be classified as lower margin because the costs to maintain WoW can be built into that offering.

In my opinion, every business loves high margin solutions no matter how small you think it is to the relative cost. Sure Acti-Blizzard is a 8B + company but Wow and all its subset have to defend their Revenue alone, that’s just business.

Edit: fixed there to their

That’s not true for me. I tend to play in bursts and take occasional breaks. But I continue to pay my subscription during my breaks.

The death of 2 servers, and lack of competent response from blizzard has started to turn me off to the company entirely. I’m sitting on the end of a 6-month sub, but I’m considering taking a position of never paying blizzard anything for WoW ever again.

There’s always private servers to get your WoW fix. And the problems private servers have seem like more and more like no big deal compared to Blizzard’s mismanagement.

Now players demand some sort of action from Blizzard in this matter and they /sleep

They choose when to act and what action to take, but of course it’s a problem created by the players. Its a player driven company, right?

Their inaction is the worst for me.
The first thing we need is a huge survey applied to all accounts (could be in-game) with some options to resolve this problem.

*MORE people to quit.

heck yes. the only real solution