Re-Assign Looted Item


Whilst in a dungeon group, mistakenly rolled need on an item: Bad Mojo Mask (from ZF).

I’ve left it in my bag. Are you able to transfer to Camletoe (Gnome Warlock) on Remulos server?

I know what it’s like when it happens other way around, and am mortified at mistake :confused:

Hope you can help,

Unfortunately, they’ve said that GMs will be hands off on loot for Classic. If you still have the 2 hour timer, you should be able to trade it.

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Customer Support will be unable to:

Restore quest items lost through deletion or quest abandonment. You’ll need to reacquire the quest and obtain the item again.
Swap quest rewards
Unbind items bound to a character
Exchange bind on pick up loot between characters.
    Raid items will have a 2 hour trade window

Scams and Loot Disputes


thanks for the heads-up - that’s disappointing to hear :frowning:

We tried to trade it immediately, wouldn’t let us either.

Is that option also available for Classic WOW?

Dungeons I don’t think so, just raids.


In the future?

This isn’t a ticket. There are no GMs on the forums

It is not an option for Classic in Dungeons they become BoP and you cannot trade them.

Only BOE items can be traded in classic.