Rdruid/Boomie Offspec LF weeknight raiding guild!

Just switched mains to resto druid this expac and want to find a guild to get AOTC and then eventually dip my toes in mythic. I’ve been AOTC on resto sham, MW monk, disc priest. (also windwalker monk) also down for M+ in offnights and pvp as well. Please hit me up if you need a druid!

ALSO: I cannot raid on friday or saturday. Sundays are fine but I would prefer weeknight raids and maybe sunday as well!

Discord: Allenhowardx
Bnet: Allen#14870

Summit Gaming is coming back for future xpacks and end game content. We are looking for a good ranged dps and some solid healers to push mythic end game content, we are open to experienced raiders and officers to join our core, currently for ranged dps, now 8/8N 4/8H!!!

Raid times:
Wednesday Thursday 730-1030 east
Discord: Force9014
Bnet: Force#1405
Bnet: Grunkleg#1670
Bnet: Krispyish#1937

Hey I’m looking for raiders for our T AotC only group and our W/F AotC into mythic group