Rdruid needs to be tuned. Please make Tranquility raid wide

No it’s not a retune.

The key word there is how the spell behaves ie behaves. If you change the behaviour of somethign you have redesigned it not retuned it. Tuning is adjustments to the current behaviour. Dosent matter if it’s a small adjustment or a large adjustment you change behaviour you have redesigned it.

You can call it a small change if you want the impact is the important part and you agree will be a big impact. As such why would you make a change that causes a impact ie opening the gate of bringing future content into wrath when the same result (buffing rdruid) can be gotten with a small impact and not crossing that line. Makes no sense to do that change va the many other options out there to buff Druids if they need a buff.

While we’re at it, let’s make wild growth PRIORITIZE players; it can still heal pets, but don’t make it hit them at the same level of priority as players.

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Hopefully healers get attention. Its not all about the dps balance…

yep…I posted this somewhere else yesterday.

Talking about representation by spec resto druids need a good bump…least represented of healers in a raid and first to either sit or go boomkin when you’re moving down under 4-5 heals…

For example in the last 2 weeks on Algalon there have been the following number of parses:

Holy Pala - 24653
Disc Priest - 13949
Resto Sham - 9797
Resto Druid - 7414
Holy Priest - 1628

Ignoring HPriest as they have a second healing spec (even if you dont like the playstyle) resto druids are at less than 40% of the representation of HPala and 70% of disc priest (only because you don’t really stack disc priests). RSham arent in much better shape either.

Looking at Ulduar as a whole it looks even worse which is RDruid is 50% less parses than Disc priest and 70% less parses than HPala. Meaning you bring 1.5 Disc priests and 3.3 Hpalas compared to 1 rdruid by parse count.

On top of representation, rdruids are heavily impacted by disc priest style of healing and the speed of pala heals as we are styled to heal slower. We have great throughput if we are 1-2 healing content or on fights that are consistent dmg like last phase of iron council steelbreaker.

resto druids are my fav healer just given how great our toolkit is we should be reasonably competitive and it makes me sad when I look at the data in wcl.


They don’t implement Cata features, instead they make changes that have never existed in WoW’s history

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OP just wants to compete with the hpal in his raid :rofl:. I support it

Healer balance is important to folks!

Looking at the last week on warcraft logs.
278k Hpallys
158k Disc priests
88k rshams
74k Rdruids.

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I just want to agree with this whole post, you’re right.

I’m not even playing anymore and quit for other reasons but I played my resto druid for 3 years from MC on. I always played with the same guild and really was mainly playing Wrath Classic to play with them.

That didn’t stop me from having to respec to boomie often, something which I hated to do.

It’s funny because the few (like 3) times I talked about not wanting dual spec it was about this specifically. I didn’t want to have to swap specs mid raid, I don’t find it fun at all. I was told by others on this forum “That wouldn’t happen”. Well, now it happens across the board. To almost everyone who isn’t “the meta”. I was right and these people had absolutely no clue what they were talking about. These people aren’t back here now taking responsibility for being wrong either, they got their way and that’s all it was ever about. Although dual spec was always a part of Wrath and so it’s fine in that respect, just saying though.

Anyway, I’m out enough to no longer be that invested but I’ll give my resto druid homies all the love. Since Blizzard is all about balancing now hopefully you all get whatever is needed to make resto druids better. :heart:


It should function like Starfall if party only. Channel if raid wide. It gets you so far behind on healing in it’s current iteration.

Rip restos…
Sad thing is its largely just bugs/bad coding holding them back. No reason WG shouldnt prio players over the 9999 pets running around for example

Tranq would still be pretty much inferior to divine hymn so seems like a fair enough change to me

This is how strong dsac is. You can only bring 1 disc per raid and theres x2 more raiding than rdruid and rshams. That means there are teams taking 2-3 Hpallys instead of taking 1 rdruid or rsham.
Healer balance should be considered. Its not all about DPS.

Make a pair of glyphs.

One glyph makes it cast and forget party wide.
One glyph makes it channeled and raid wide.

I like the idea of these glyphs, but I would not suggest raid wide tranq be available for the non resto specs. That would be extremely strong to have so many in a raid.

Personally I think it should be attached to the rdruid Tranq talent. That would be a healer only buff.

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Agreed. Make them modify Improved Tranq. You’re 22 points deep in resto for that one, so wouldn’t be easily accessible without giving up stuff elsewhere.

Glyphed tooltips:

Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 100%, reduces the cooldown by 60%, and no longer requires channeling.

Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 100%, reduces the cooldown by 60%, and becomes raid wide.

Yes give even more of a reason to bring druids into raids over warriors please!

edit: im not being sarcastic, the sooner warrior is discovered to be the most undesirable dps the sooner we get buffs

That and fix T84P. Still in the T9-nerfed state in initial tick value.

No, make it continent wide and make sure it procs Omen of clarity a bunch. Then nerf regrowth. Then revert the regrowth nerf.

This would be nice.

yeah, it would be. Oh well, phase is almost over.

71k Rdruids and falling.

By ICC comps are going to be 4 hpallys and a Disc lol.

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