RDruid in 9.1

u guys should stop responding 2 this bait

Just makes it easier to report and move along if you can show it’s obviously a troll

No need to respond any further though which is why I stopped

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good work soldier

Gotheels has 3 fully geared rdruids with thousands of games peaking around 1900. There’s a good reason he’s defending them like his life depends on it :face_with_thermometer:

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Bro, i saw someone in an rbg the other day with over 1k games played and like 35% winrate in all 3 brackets. Was wild

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Lmfao buddy I’m 2.2cr on my night fae rdruid :woozy_face:

I play with whoever I can find now. This games dead af, I’d rather do 10000 other things than sit in LFG for hours to find the optimal comp to climb