So in the top Restoration talent section, we have to choose between using EITHER:
Nature’s Splendor/Passing Season + Improved Regrowth
OR we can have
Twinleaf + Wildwood Roots
I’ve been out of the game for a month whilst moving, and when I came back, the talents were all reset and moved again, so I started by looking at suggested builds.
Everyone recommends the Twinleaf + Wildwood coupling, but after playing with it the first time last night, I found that I don’t really use the 2-stack of Nature’s Swiftness effectively. Honestly, I’ve had to COMPLETELY change the way I raid heal in this expansion, so I’m trying to learn a whole new way to rdruid right now, anyway.
Since apparently, we’re supposed to spam Regrowth now (set aside the fact that this has always been a cardinal sin for as long as I’ve been RDruiding, but whatever…that’s what we’re doing now), I naturally gravitate toward Nature’s Splendor/Imp Regrowth pair.
Can someone talk about this a bit? Why you choose Twinleaf + Wildwood instead or why you don’t?
I would appreciate it very much.
Note: I logged out in dungeon/world content spec last night, so if you look at my armory, those are the talents it will probably be listing. In raid, I run Keeper of the Grove and a basic talent spread with Flourish/Reforest/Germination as my caps.
I have no idea who you’re considering to be “everyone,” but I have yet to see a single recommendation to play Twinleaf. Most builds take Grove tending to get to Improved Regrowth, taking neither Nature’s Splendor nor Passing Seasons.
Also…I feel like we should be taking Regenesis given how weak Tranquility is now. I can’t figure out how to use a 2-point Regenesis without losing Cultivation, which is huge for mastery stacking in raid.
Here’s the thing, I used to feel like I understood and had a grip on the choice I had in the talents. I don’t have confidence in what I’m choosing anymore, and I’d like some advice about who to read/who to talk to/or just from people here who are familiar.
Edited to add: So, I’d need to see the numbers on this, but if I take 2x Regenesis and Inner Peace, I lose Imp Wildgrowth and Regenerative Heartwood.
The way I used to heal, losing that extra hit of WG was a non-starter, but for raid healing this time, a 30% buff and an uninterruptable cast of shorter cooldown Tranq…is that worth losing the rejuv bonus on Ironbark and the extra WG HoT? I mean, over the course of an entire raid, I think those missing WG’s might end up bigger than the Tranq gains, but if using Regenesis makes Tranquility useful as a CD again…/shrug?
Regenesis is not very good, and doesn’t really make up for the loss of other talents to take. Until Tranquility is buffed, Regenesis is probably going to be just a dead talent.
Yeah there have been a lot of changes for sure. But honestly it’s just a situation where we have some good abilities and some terrible ones. And the talents that improve the bad ones simply do not make up for how bad they are today. Tranquility needs help. Mortgaging other abilities to try to improve it will do more harm than good.
Yeah most druids I know don’t even run Inner Peace; if anything we use Dreamstate.
No, it’s not. The WG is far more valuable. Tranquility is worth using every 3 minutes, and the CD reduction on everything else is nice. But a 2 minute CD Tranquility is not worth the talents we give up to take. Even at 2 minutes Tranquility isn’t a very good CD.
Inner peace is only used for pvp because tranquility is a defensive ability in pvp. It’s healing is so bad that it’s legit only used as a defensive ability because our honor talent turns it into a paladin bubble while casting.
Inner peace prevents you from getting knock backed by like a monk’s ring of peace, so you can’t be interrupted out of it. It’s very situational.
Yeah I can see that. I don’t PVP much so I can only comment on PvE where the CD reduction is the only thing that is important. And it’s not good enough to justify the talent spend.
One point on Tranquility…I don’t think it’s a useless cooldown really…if your build is lacking CD’s, or you feel like you need one more, it’s worth it in some places.
Resto Druid can feel a bit cd starved at the moment, since many of us lost the ability to keep Flourish in our builds this season.
While I think Tranq is a boring spell that isn’t as fun or useful as flourish, I set both of these spells up in the same way…just requires a bit more dungeon knowledge to use Tranquility since it’s channeled.
Yep. It just used to be so awesome. You put a soul-empowered Wild Growth up and followed with a Tranq/flourish…and oh my word, you just watched the entire raid fill back up. It doesn’t really work that way anymore.
I’m learning the new way of doing things, and my numbers get slightly better with each raid night, so I’ll figure it out. It’s demoralizing to be doing half of what the HPaly’s are doing, and I have NEVER been the lowest healer before (I got used to my way being good enough to be top of my raid group, and if the bosses died, that was enough for me…alas). I’ll get used to it.
To make sure it’s clear, I was not suggesting tranquility is useless, it’s certainly worth a point to get the 3 minute base version. It’s just subsequent investment of more talents to augment the ability in PvE content likely isn’t worth what you have to give up to take.
no worries, i think you guys are giving great advice, and i wasn’t trying to discredit your post.
Some guides/communities advise to put a point into a node other than tranq (and they’re not wrong obviously), but it’s still a friendly cooldown for a newer player if they need it…so they’re not scared about making a mistake or something
Hopefully they’ll just buff the spell with KOTG hero talents someday soon though.
Raid night is tomorrow. I have my eleventieth attempt at talenting it correctly done. I have read all the things about the regrowth spam method (I know that’s not what we actually call it, but it’s just what I am going to call it). I will try it out in LFR tonight to get my fingers acquainted with it, and tomorrow…we log our guild heroic raid.
I’ll let y’all know how it went.
Thank you for the input and encouragement. I appreciate it and I don’t want to change classes. I love being a leaf-tosser, so I hope I can “mash them keys” well enough to feel decent about it.