rDruid: Bringing Back Moonkin Form will Balance PvP

Hi there!

One of the reasons why rDruid’s mana is so strong right now in PvP is due to Master Shapeshifter casting benefits moving from Moonkin Form to caster in the prepatch. This also makes it possible for Druids to spam Wrath in Tree of Life form, restoring a net 2000 mana a shot while also dealing a good chunk of damage and possibly healing.

If you bring back Moonkin Form, not only will that help Fluid Form be a more attractive talent, it will also force Master Shapeshifter to be back to affecting spells in Moonkin Form instead of caster form. This buff means it won’t function on instant cast Tree of Life wraths, which weren’t able to be kicked and thus hard to counter.

A nice perk of this is Resto Druids will be able to Flap again.


I would also like the option of getting moonkin for guardian and feral. Im going to miss flap and the disengage.

Was it the best use of a talent? No. But it was fun to have (and easy to get). Another reason I’m not maining Druid for the first time since TBC.

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Also, Resto Druid is getting an extra stack of mastery from somewhere. Baseline Rejuv should do 104k for my character, instead does 142k.

I’m fully in favor of Moonkin form being a talent option for all druids, just not a required pathing option to get to mandatory throughput talents.

Moonkin Form should not be a talent, it should be baseline. Why is Moonkin Form now Balance only, what’s next Bear Form is Guardian only or Cat Form be Feral only.

We are a Shapeshifting Class yet now Resto some how miraculously forgets how to be a Moonkin?.

Removing it from a talent option was a great, spending a talent on it felt bad, but completely taking it away and not making it baseline is a horrible decision, and has killed my hype now for TWW and Druid as a whole (I play Resto).

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


As a dedicated Restoration Druid, I’ve always appreciated the versatility that Moonkin Form brought to my gameplay, especially in world PvP. The ability to switch forms provided a unique dynamic, allowing me to adapt and contribute more effectively in various situations.

Additionally, some talents in the tree now seem out of place. For example, Lycara’s Teachings, which offers bonus secondary stats for shifting forms (with Moonkin Form providing mastery), still references Moonkin Form despite our inability to use it. This inconsistency is confusing and undermines the talent’s purpose.

I also invested in the glyph for /flap, which was invaluable for slow fall or levitate effects during world PvP, helping with positioning (wild charge + flap jump backwards) and avoiding certain attacks. The removal of Moonkin Form diminishes these strategic elements, making it feel like a loss of important gameplay mechanics.

I’m so bummed by the removal and forced play style changes. not to mention how frustrating it is considering the months I spent farming for the red skin from Tindrel,. It feels disheartening not to showcase these in-game.

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WHY are they taking away stuff. This makes no sense!

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WOW that seems quite good for PVP

Trust me you are not alone on this.

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