RDF What is the downside to You Personally

If you google “RDF catch up mechanic” you’ll get hundreds of references to it being originally a catch up mechanic.

You are literally insulting me over having a different take compared to you, and your opinions, god forbid, are honestly bad and shallow. And again, if you want me to voice something, it will always be the players that I hate, like you, over the game.


That’s your opinion, just like how I view RDF as being able to access dungeons for any level, it’s an opinion. And I just so happen to disagree with your opinion.

Never said one negative thing to you, i just told you if you dont like the game, go play another game, you wont be missed here.

You’ve been checkmated and ran away. I would follow your guild and seek therapy if RDF is the kind of thing to make you seethe so hard.

Yes, you have been insulting me, you’ve been telling me to leave and play retail.

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Thats not an insult thats advice

That’s an insult my guy.

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It’s not an opinion though that’s the thing you’re just ignoring. The fact is players had limited access to gear if they weren’t grinding Ulduar and just joining or coming back for ICC so they released unlimited badge farming in the form of heroic RDF. You can google all this information really fast and easy in minutes; but instead you choose to live in a fantasy land where facts are opinions because they don’t fit your argument.

Nah. That is commonly used as an insult by people who don’t really have anything useful to say.

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Telling you to go play another game if the current one you dont like is not an insult

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If they are insulted by being given advise to not playing a game because it does not have what they like, then thats on them.

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That’s not really for you to suggest though. People can play whatever they want, and suggest changes as much as they like. It doesn’t matter that you don’t like it.

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I don’t hate wrath though, please show me posts that I’ve said that I hate wrath. Again, you are insulting me. I think I know why tbh. It’s a pathetic take.

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The game is being mismanaged by incompetent Woke Activists, RDF and Cross-realm won’t fix that.


I mean most of the classic team is more the old boomer crew taht made wrath then Retail from what i have seen

Kek, they’re woke when it only lines their pockets with money. Though adding rdf and cross-realm would make the game a lot more convenient to play. At the end of the day people just wanna log on and play wow

Point it out where I couldn’t read please?

Thats true but reality is that Heroic gear and some badge gear are basically entry level gear to get into raiding, if you want to go beyond that entry level gear, you have to join a pug or a guild.

Evidence has been provided repeatedly.

I almost never do dungeons now. No point since it takes so long to find a group by the time I log out. Work full time, parent full time I don’t have time for the so called social aspect that doesn’t actually exist. The pretend majority that appears to be that loud minority don’t want LFG. EVERY person I talk to in game wants LFG. I have not run into one person that doesn’t. As soon as my sub is up I’m going back to ESO until Illysia comes out for VR.