RDF Server Selection

For the love of god, blizz please let us choose to ignore servers. Faerlina is full of trolls and Ninja’s, and overall bad players. Please for the love of god, let us ignore that server, so that we can have a better game play experience and not have to deal with people ruining the gameplay for everyone else.


I made characters on Faerlina for Cata just because it’s the highest pop horde server. When a server has more people than most others you’ll run into them more often. Believing that people from an entire server that size are all the same is silly at best.

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Mankrik has highest horde pop.

They’re pretty close. Also had people on my friends list playing there.

Your point was still ridiculous either way.

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Answer is no. Some have wished for this for pvp since the oh we lose in 30 seconds posters when I do horde are usually…faerlina. We got a no.

I thought some on bene were bad for this. Faerlina wins this one though,

It’s the same for Benediction on Alliance.

+1 op. Nothing but horrible experiences when grouped with folks from that realm.

If you’re the type of person to generalize tens of thousands of people based on experiences with a few, those people are probably better off without you anyway.

So ironically, the experiences of Faerlina players would probably improve if you were given this feature.

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