RDF (LFG Tool)

1-70 100% needs RDF. Please, please, let us level alts in dungeons. This was a game changer when it happened back then and will be a game changer again.

The key point here though, is that without RDF one tank and one healer are good for one daily heroic. So three DPS get to go with them. With RDF they’re only limited by time so they can help more DPS get badges.

On e you reach a critical mass of players who are only doing dungeons for the badges, there’s a lot more gear that is going unused- this is when some DPS players might decide to start building a tank set of gear. This is more likely to happen and much sooner with RDF than without.

I’m not trying to argue that the game needs RDF. I’m just doing what I can to point out and emphasize the way it adds more options and benefits that a lot of people don’t seem to recognize or try to ignore.

Some people don’t need any extra incentive they just need the extra options. For those who want something extra, dungeons have exclusive BoE drops and are still a much better source of enchanting materials than open world farming.

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