RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Insert low quality joke about what blizzard does with its interns.

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It tanked cuz ICC was like 6 months. Then they added ruby sanctum as a raid cuz cata took too long.

Then cata was even worse with content unlocks, I believe it was like 6 months in-between most content unlocks.

Heroics as the game went on got more and more irrelevant.

It’s kind of strange how you think heroics were the epitomy of socialism.




Rdf launched in December of 2009.

The sub count spiked up to 12m again at end of WOTLK then spiked up at to 12m at the start of Cata.

Both of which already had RDF.

If people truly hated rdf why would they GO BACK to the game that already had it for a few months?

Why would they go back to the same game that already had it?

Those 12m spikes were 3 and 4 months AFTER rdf was put in the game btw

Firelands wasn’t out for a FULL YEAR after cata launched.

Look how long it was before they launched Ruby after ICC launched, it was over 6 months of ICC.

Imagine doing 6 months of Naxx and expect subs to not drop.

Imagine doing a full year of Cata before you get a new raid.

League of Legends also launched in October of 2009.


And yet they didn’t.

But it’s a fruitless and pointless debate about sub numbers. No one will ever know why they rise and fall. I can tell you RDF is why I came back and kept playing Wrath, and continued with Cata and MoP. It was my endgame.

But ultimately this sub debate is just a distraction by anti-rdf trolls, since they have no actual argument against RDF. I could just as easily say Death Knights caused subs to go down. It has as much evidence as saying RDF did. And it’s just as ridiculous a statement.

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I don’t get why he made such a scene for something is miniscule at best.

I might be wrong on this but who is going to tell him that Mission table in WoD and Legion caused an impact on the economy than RDF will ever be?

Unrelated to this gold thing, I have watch the portion of the interview Redheadchild posted about RDF, it doesn’t really add anything new (other than a former dev talking about it) and more the same talking points that the Anti’s have against RDF that are debatable at best.

I do agree on the fact that not being able to do Wailing Caverns does not mean the game is dying.

Joyous journey did get some people to level and that is for certain but its a temporarily thing to be honest and eventually when Ulduar launches, leveling is probably going to go back to being a single player experience till the end of phase 2 assuming were going to have Joyous Journey every end of phase.

Honestly, not always your guild or friends is available at your beck and call so I do resort to LFG most of the time.

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They spiked to 12m at the end of WOTLK and 12m at the start of Cata.

Rdf had been in the game for months at that point.


RDF was in for a year and a half before the subs dropped, they think that sub loss is an actual topic


Since when do trolls care about facts? :rofl:

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I remember reading a post back at the start of Cata about a gal who loaded up Cata and did what she did every expac.

She made a new toon and started leveling.
Guild members remember hearing her horrified and crying about what they did to the leveling experience, it only took about an hour of play.
They never saw her again.

That was one of the BIG reasons people quit as well. In addition to the numerous dumpster fire grade mistakes Blizzard made with Cata’s development.

Wrath stabilized through most of the full YEAR of ICC. No other expac has kept subs consistently through the end of the expac like Wrath did. Every single one had a HUGE drop in subs while players awaited the next iteration of the game.

The only thing RDF did that was fail was the match making for heroics at the start of Cata. And that was more of a development fail with how they made the 5 mans, than the fault of RDF.


During one of the longest content droughts in WoWs history, while also dealing with a 5% churn rate, the sub numbers grew 500k.

Im not saying RDF was the reason for that, but the anti rdfs arent smart if they try to use subs as an argument for why RDF was bad.


My opinion has always been that the effort to “not split the playerbase” failed out of the gate with Cata.

Cata should have been and even felt like WoW Part 2.

RDF had nothing to do with that. The massive removal of content and reinvention of the game that was un-nessecary did.


Combination of -

Removal of content
The original zones changed
People being done after killing Lich King
Other MMOs doing well at that time period
Real life

But yeah, a group forming tool was the reason. Theyre just :clown_face:


I didn’t do cata.

I did league hard.

I was also in the Navy and league was easier to play.

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Not to mention talent changes (screw needing 41 points in a tree before diverging to another), class changes (blood as the only tank, holy power for paladins) and so on.

There was very very little good to come out of Cataclysm.

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The conversation with these trolls generally goes like:

Anti-rdf troll: “Subs dropped after RDF was added!”
Logical person: “No, actually they continued to rise for a year+.”
Anti-rdf troll: “You don’t know that was because of RDF. Stop making that claim!”

When, of course, no such claim was made. They invent arguments to refute.

By the way, we’re still talking about sub numbers and not RDF. So clearly this diversion tactic by the trolls works.


Or better yet, one I get thrown at me constantly here and on the EU forums.

“Such changes don’t have an immediate effect.”

Meanwhile, looking at Cataclysm subs it does seem that yes, it does indeed have an immediate effect.


Yeah, its either that or -

Anti rdf - It came towards the end of Wrath
Logical person - I mean it was in for 49% of the expansion, a day short of a year
Anti rdf - Length of time doesnt matter, in terms of patches it was towards the end
Logical person - I mean it was like 3 weeks away from being in Wrath longer than it was not in Wrath
Anti rdf - Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Or the always humorous -

Anti rdf - It came in during a content drought
Logical person - It was released the day before ICC was so it came in before the drought even started


I really hope they add RDF because grouping at this point is just tedious and annoying. I have a limited amount of time to play the game and I don’t want to spend it spamming LFG. I’d rather just sign up for a queue and go about my business until it pops like pvp. 99% of my socialization in this game comes from playing with my guild, joining pug raids, and crafting. RDF wouldn’t impact that at all.