God I hope they do, the only thing making me not play WOTLK right now is RDF not being a thing, I leveled enough alts from 1-70 (Sometime up to 80) solo, I just want to chill and alt reroll since its what I enjoy to do, while doing quests and dungeons whatever I feel like doing one, at least with RDF I’ll get (Social interactions) to some degree no matter how small it may be, something I didn’t saw period without it while leveling.
yes and that is what most players do. They quest and then run dungeons when it gets boring. It gets people out into the zones. It totally blows away the argument that people set in major cities and just run dungeons. That is so ridiculous. Nobody sets in major cities. They do now more than without RDF but still, they either go do some quests, farming, or LOG OFF.
RDF also gets more people to actually start an alt or many alts. Without it, people think about a long long quest with no dungeons and they don’t bother to make a new character.
I am only thinking about the amount of good times and fun that we lost because they could not see this. All for the sake of a fake social experience. I will admit, RDF does take a little away from the game. it loses a very small amount of immersion. But the amount of positives that it creates, completely outweighs the minor negative.
Not entirely wrong if someone decides to level as healer, healer questing is pretty miserable. So they might just sit in town and queue all day, instant queues and everything.
But tanks and DPS definetly don’t sit in town all day doing nothing else. especially DPS, why sit afk doing nothing when you could be questing while the queue fills.
But yeah, as it is now, if somebody is questing in Hinterlands chances are they aren’t gonna want to run Zul Farrak because they’re literally a continent away. Nobody wants to drop what they’re doing to travel for an hour to do a dungeon when they could just be questing in that hour instead. But also, if you’re just questing forever nonstop you’re just playing a single player RPG from 1 to 80.
it doesn’t happen as much as ppl claim. in fact the only thing you even point out is a healer. Which means that alone is a small percetage of the players. And with dual spec, another great addition to the game since vanilla, most players will have a dps spec for leveling.
The point is, running dungeons 100% of your time gets boring. people mix doing stuff not just running dungeons. Regardless, they don’t set in town doing nothing. Just log in and set in one spot in a city and don’t allow yourself to do anything else. see how long before you just log out instead.
Dual spec at 40 also.
Can quest as DPS spec and queue healer or dps at 40.
Dual spec while nice certainly, is also 1000 gold. Disposable income to anyone with an 80 of course but for anyone new or starting fresh on a new server they are highly unlikely to have that 1000 gold lying around, and at that point they might just decide to level as a DPS to avoid it altogether. Without RDF this is what everyone does, nobody wants to be stuck with a healer spec when dungeons are so hard to get a group for currently.
Yea I been doing a druid, I’m at like 34 now and I just heal as my boomie spec.
Soon as I hit 40 I’m going resto and boomie.
I started this character on Skyfury, fresh server everyone was broke, nobody had any money. So while Dual Spec was available, it wasn’t really feesable.
I leveled as Cat Druid/Feral. My thought process was that I could do good dps while questing for free, no needing to buy water and drink and save costs over time. I remember people asking if I was boomie for dungeons and when I said feral I just wouldn’t get an invite, lol.
Think when I hit the 70’s I just decided to reroll and go Balance, actually be wanted for dungeons and when people said it’s even better for questing because you can just go full aoe sicko mode and definetly didn’t look back. Later got dual spec and Resto at 80. So flexibility for dungeons if they need aoe dps or healer.
Yea before 40ish your spec doesnt really matter that much anyway, especially since dungeons are so easy.
I would totally run a full healer spec if RDF was a thing for fast queue, but since dungeons are so hard to find, even on Bene with JJ, its just not worth it.
I may dual spec feral/resto at 40 though so I can dps, tank or heal just to improve my chances of finding a group though
Honestly just go with the pure dps spec and since healers are so hard to find if someone questions your healing tell them to pound sand. This applies up to TBC.
I’m at the point where I don’t even believe they will add RDF, they’re probably trying to figure out how to make even more money from the Whales that throw their money out th window and into Blizzards pockets.
They put everything else in early lol and added things that never existed to begin with.
OH BUT RDF has to wait till the very, very end to be put in. Bit late with a comminunity that asked for it on launch or p2.
P3 with little content and ample downtime is the perfect time to release it. Better than nothing, only slightly.
That CC thing was trash.
Imagine saying “RDF came out originally in 3.3.”
Ok when did tokens come out in wotlk or the ret glyph they added or heroic+ or the feral buffs??
Company is a joke.
True, first character is not going to be able to have dual spec for leveling. My tip for you , never spec heal for leveleing and just keep some of the pcs you get with int and sp power on them. You can heal the dungeons all the way to 80 with dps spec. It won’t be as easy but it will still be pretty easy.
The CC in general is a joke. Anyone who is even remotely critical gets removed, so all thats left is people telling them how great all their ideas are…
That lady was an idiot.
I got silenced for mentioning her name and what she said, but yes. Her argument had no foundation, and her piece on clarity really added some gaslighting in there for us
I’d chuckle if, instead of RDF, they put a lvl 80 Boost you can purchase if you already have a level 80 on the account.
Dual spec didn’t come out until phase 3 or 4 of wotlk.
Let’s all get excited about blizzard being a day late and a dollar short… yet again.