RDF is coming in ICC patch!

Better start asking them for xrealm rdf now otherwise it solves nothing or not as much as players are expecting especially while lvling.


No i dont see yes. not at all. But i do see that EVERY previous conversation they have had, EACH one of them they said NO. So again, do you see a no this time? lol lol lol.

Enjoy your trolling while u can.


Right, which mean what? Do you think the absence of no means yes?

agreed. Hopefully they announce it and give time to have those conversations. One thing though is that they said they are recognizing the troubles players are having finding groups for dungeons while leveling. So if they are opening their eyes finally, they should see for themselves that cross server is needed and should be a requirement.

I am just glad to see that they are actually trying to improve the experience of the players from a reality perspective instead of the same ole, " but you shouldn’t be able to play the game at all cuz its not quite as immersive that way"

Rdf will be added to the store with ICC patch. $10 for a rdf battlepass.


That has been their plan from the beginning. I’ve literally been saying it for over a year


Tauren droppings. Token was never in wrath yet here we are. Too little to late for me.

People wanted to level alts before ICC and then the great die off. Waiting until ICC is just tauren droppings.

Justifying leaving it out behind no changes while non wrath changes have been added is s serious cop out.

The shills, bootlickers, and bots can have at it.


I think itll be in WOTLK before the ICC patch.


i really hate this stupid argument. especially when we already got a host of other changes added, such as other systems releasing before their original phase or completely brand new systems that never existed in original to begin with


Good all the posts crying about how blizzard won’t do it even in icc. How many times I told people no reason to be complaining until icc drops. All you heard was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Funny argue for authenticity until it’s something that you don’t agree with lol. Typical classic purist


News flash you can still level alts.

of course it is. That isn’t anything we already don’t know there bud. It doesn’t matter at this point. We know that isn’t the real reason. They are just saying it now to save a little face. Nothing more than that and everyone knows it.

It doesn’t matter. it just shows that they are preparing to give us rdf and they are going to use that as an excuse. Who cares at this point. Just give it to us already.


You’re a shill. Soy WoW token enjoyer.

actually i was advocating for RDF at the start of Wrath. i am in no way a purist. my complaint is that they decided to pick and choose which systems to leave out “until their patch.” rather than doing an all or nothing approach.

i would have been fine if all of these systems were held off until their respective patches knowing for certain that RDF was coming in phase 3, or if they had just released everything during prepatch and not left out RDF like they did:

3.1.0 04/15/2009 (Ulduar)
• Dual Specialization
• Ground Mounts no longer dismissing when you enter water
• 2-hour refundable items when purchased with alternate currencies (badges, honor, etc.)
• Class Roles in the LFG feature
• Players will now be able to queue for battlegrounds from any location. Leaving a battleground will return you to the location from which you entered.
3.1.2 05/19/2009
• Equipment Manager (saving sets)
3.2.0 08/05/2009 (TOGC)
• 2 hour “just in case” trade window for raid & dungeon loot
• Upgraded cat/bear form art
• EXP through battlegrounds
• NPCs to turn EXP gain off
• Shorter mount cast time
• Apprentice Riding at level 20
• Journeyman Riding at level 40
• Expert Riding at level 60
• Expert Riding flight speed changed to 150% instead of 60% (faster than ground mounts now!)
• Double-paned quest log for easier quest info viewing
• More mailboxes in the capital cities
3.3.0 12/09/2009 (ICC)
• Maximum character level limitations for meeting stones removed
• Dungeon & Raid difficulty shown on the minimap
• Knockbacks no longer dismounting players
3.3.3 03/23/2010
• Random Battleground feature
• Battlegrounds will no longer award Marks of Honor


Sure can and before jj was turned on it was leveling in empty zones and nothing but a slog fest.

I’m good on all that noise. I’ve done it solo enough and i don’t care to do it again.
If it’s not fresh realm leveling or zones packed with people it’s not fun to me. It’s just a slog.

Artificial Hype… :smile:

that was the one thing she said that made me hope that it’ll come out.
as whacky as blizz has been pushing random stuff out they’ll just say “it came out in icc so we wanted to stay true to that” when the real reason is they wanna just drag this out and pull all the people in at the end and bump subs up again lol. i suspected it would come out in icc i just wish it wasnt gonna be so long away (if it comes) lol.

tin foil hat but idc i just want rdf we’re so close


Yeah but there are much better single player games out there.

Im fine with getting it in icc patch.

My stance has been that i dont like the negatives that it will bring.

Wow has always been vague on teaching new players how to play, even tutorial island in retail has its limitations. People will level up quicker but have no idea how to use their spells effectively as theres no reason to use some, or learn certain basic combinations.

New healers and tanks need alot of additional help as alot of people will just quit a group early on, its faster to requeue and hop into another one than slog through 45 minutes of new players learning.

Off peak hours and the 2nd month of the phase will have the same issues, most will get geared and just dont come back to dungeons for any reason. Some dont even do the daily heroic. Queues will spike to an hour plus and cries of no tanks/healers will ring throughout.

These are 90% of the reasons i didnt want RDF, and honestly if blizzard addressed them in a way ill be happy to jump on the wagon with yall. Untill then i dont want gistory to repeat itself warts and all.