RDF iLvl Requirements on latest PTR

It appears the PTR was updated with adjusted iLvl requirements, so here they are Just for your reference before tomorrow’s RDF release.

  • Gamma - 210 iLevel
  • Beta - 200 iLevel
  • Alpha - 187 iLevel
  • Heroic - 180 iLevel
  • Normal - no iLevel requirement (even 0 iLvl is available)

(Not sure why, but The Forge of Souls normal mode minimum iLevel is set to 75)

iLevel is based on any items you have equipped, in your bag, or in your bank. So if you aren’t at the 210 threshold yet, you can need on items that you might not want just to bump your iLevel a little bit :slight_smile:

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everyone can get 238 Ilvl with furious gear, it’s better than pre raid gear and some 224 tier set even tho res is a wasted stat.

all you need, than you can start replacing the pvp gear with the new icc boe epics as they get posted on ah and new vendor gear, everyone has access to 238 ilvl, 5100-5200 gs easily. and be able to do rdf

people cant kick cuz u have pvp gear either, will be considered greifing and there are counter messures in place to help prevent abuse.

This seems mostly fair other than the fact ilvl itself is pretty flawed.

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210 is too low. Needs to be 215-219

forcing fresh pve alts into bgs so i can one shot them.

im here for it.

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i hope those arent the requirements “protocol” for RDF? cause if so then Gammas will be filled with 3200GS tanks lol

This is more fitting.

  • Gamma - 225 iLevel
  • Beta - 219 iLevel
  • Alpha - 200 iLevel
  • Heroic - 175 iLevel

I won’t really be able to check when it comes on the live servers, since if you qualify for the heroic, it doesn’t show you the iLvl required. And I’m not deleting my gear to find out xD

even with my 6 alts none are under 4.9k GS so even i cant tell the changes and blizzard really has posted the requirements (if they did i missed it and would love if someone linked it), but we still have 5 more hours to go till we find out.

210 is Naxx gear. It’s fine.


RDF is cool but I think I’m going to save myself the headache and just run premades.

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Good thing we now have a choice.

Just run a full premade and then queue rdf.

Get that free teleport.

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