RDF bugged sense pre-patch made several topics on this and still nothing shhh

Cricket Cricket from blues.

Something I just noticed Deadmines is a level 17-21 but you get it at level 15

I will be writing what dungeons disappear before there max level and what dungeons don’t What I know so far Dead Mines and SM Library go before there max level . I’m leveling another character too find out.

be nice if you a ptr to maybe test these things eh, so many bugs its unreal

I would’ve thought that pre-patch would’ve came out in late May because there was so many bugs still but instead they give us Cata Beta I don’t know what Blizzard was thinking makes me ponder. And a month later RDF is still bugged.

I can confirm that Deadmines is gone at level 17 Screenshot



Are we ever going to get a fix for RDF been like this sense pre-patch and still no answer from any blues about this. :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

they won’t. last time ppl got their comments deleted and some bans bc blizz tried to gaslit ppl thinking the brackets wasn’t scuffed worse than this when it came out in wrath and then they fixed it… kinda. it sucks but blizzard does bare minimum lol

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Yeah I remember that and they do the bare minimum now it’s like they don’t ever care anymore it’s sad what Blizzard has been become.

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10 character bump are we ever going to get a answer RDG been bugged sense pre-patch do you guys even care.

I’m going to say this again and again and again until it’s finally fix RDF has been bugged sense pre-patch it’s a wide issue and not one blue has taken any issue on this.

Just keep ignoring the problem you blues don’t even care that RDF been bugged sense pre-patch.

Any updates on this??

No updates Blizzard is ignoring the problem.

Another day without Dungeon finder being fixed :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

C’MON Blizzard can we get answer on this it’s been broken sense pre-patch.

please remove the stupid level restrictions for gaining xp, its so dumb queuing and getting someone high level and then you just get like 10 xp per kill. what an idiotic boosting prevention system. in a game that literally sells 80 boosts in the shop rofl

I can seee rdf still haven’t been fixed wow Blizzard wow.

the have moved focus back to saving sod from failing, cata fixes are back to snail pace

It’s sad what Blizzard has become