RDF a fair compromise

Oh the irony…

This is so contradictory I don’t know where to start.

“Everyone wants this feature. also they are removing this feature to boost their sales” umm… thats not how… consumerism works…?

Also, I am constantly hearing people talk about having quit wow back in cata because everything got too easy. That’s why they quit then.

Now they are going to re release it without having pruned the game and I am going to fighting deathwing along side of you and everyone else complaining about rdf, unless you are going to put your money where your mouth is and walk away from wow?

They also said “you think you do but you dont”… see how long that lasted?

Blizzard knows wraith is a juggernaut… RDF won’t make or break the game… Most of us will still play with no RDF and they know that… Doesn’t mean its the right decision… its a horrible decision.

I quit wow 1 month into Cata, I 100% will not be playing a Cata Classic.

okay but can you please explain to me how removing rdf from wrath is going to “boost their sales”

or counter this:
if blizzard wanted to “boost their sales” and get as much out of wraath as they could before the product dies off, why wouldnt they add rdf?

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100% I would

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I love how you ignore the fact that this was a decision and many other decisions made in the game over the last three years, have been changed like spell batching.

The key point here is that “group formation” is not a social activity these days in WoW Classic. It’s basically advertising and people choosing to send “inv” to you. I still get more social activity (even though it’s minor) inside the dungeon. LFG chat swings wildly from server drama spamming, yelling at boosters advertising, to intentionally critical political topics. Almost none of it is ‘social group forming’. That’s almost an aside.

Wrath will not change that, and if anything it will make it worse. However, RDF’s group forming ability is one aspect that can enhance the on-server social experience by linking up random people and having them run dungeons together. It’s almost like speed dating for anti-social nerds. And while that might be seen as not a great option for someone with a large circle of close knit players… that’s not the average player these days.

This isn’t Wrath original. Classic Era and TBCC have proven that the current playerbase will treat dungeons like cross-realm RDF without automated tools, where the goal is to simply get through content because they don’t care about it. But the ‘barrier to entry’ in getting into those dungeons is a toxic pool of gatekeepers and a channel filled with unrelated and often divisive chatter.

Many people don’t run dungeons they’d otherwise enjoy because the ‘social experience’ you want to make them go through, is distasteful, offensive, and downright undesirable. A big chunk of the playerbase is missing out on the small team experience because there’s a wall of filth to wade through first.

RDF on-server will ensure that players group with others of their own realm, that they can continue to connect with later, or keep encountering. Yes, Megaservers won’t have that as much, but megaservers are also the most toxic of these player driven environments.

Alleviating the barrier to entry of group forming actually improves a realm’s playerbase. The thing that mades it a net negative is the cross realm aspect.

So fighting against this compromise is doing yourself and your realm more harm.

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No. Both parties benefit. Convenience lovers and socialization/effort folk.

Your solution drags everyone under one paradigm, some against their will.

But keep talking about toxicity and labeling people as “sweaty”.

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You’re welcome btw.

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