which is fine, but if they added RDF in this phase they would have to make it impossible to EVER do a heroic twice in the same lockout. If they wont do that I absolutely do not want RDF in the game.
Then all they need to do is “you have completed all your heroics for the day. Nice work adventurer!” and call it a day lol
I mean if you do what 15 heroics and want to keep going? More power to you.
I totally agree with this, and especially if they plan on making them relevant throughout the expansion like they are discussing.
Limiting heroics is to throttle badge acquisition which = gear acquisition and is intended to give the phase longer legs. At the point of release of RDF in OG Wrath it didn’t matter because it was so far into the expansion it didn’t have a ton of impact on the game. If they made them a different currency after doing all your heroics that could only be spent on stuff like heirloom gear, that might work.
I mean im all for RDF, but I like what certain private servers have done to limit them by locking you out of them when you get them in RDF.
If they didn’t then people would be geared up really fast. I think its a reasonable compromise.
Right and in the ‘before times’ when people weren’t obsessed with it, running dungeons with friends and meeting new people doing it was fun.
It’s simple enough to say “After X random Heroics, you no longer get badges” where the X was equivalent of the number of Heroics that existed. And if you bailed out of a Heroic by choice, it still counts as 1.
Yep! 10 char
Yes. So starting off, that would be 12 heroics.
Running difficult dungeons is fun, I played actual vanilla, actual TBC, and actual WotLK. My disdain for wotlk was very high, i made a warrior that existed purely to sell instant heroic queues to people. The difficulty of heroics was so low a tank could solo heroics.
I don’t really see it as a big deal either way. It’s the second tier badge for starters and it would take something like 6+ hours to even get through all of them even with LFD and assuming instant queues so very few people would even get to the point it would be a thing.
Yea, i mostly ran with guildmate and a couple of personal friends. I wouldn’t mind if they locked the RDF down to “server only” on higher pop servers. Then it wouldn’t be a lot different than the LFG tool they are using. Just that you can be doing other stuff while waiting for the group to form. I do remember on lower pop server i played on, the original RDF was a huge benefit because groups were really hard to find.
So… don’t do them if they’re not fun to you? Smash through your required badge count for the day then stop. Don’t try to have fun, don’t try to meet anyone new, just get them done. If you feel that way, I’m sure you can find a guild of people who all agree.
Low pop servers are a problem that RDF won’t fix, just bandaid over. And the problem is that Megaservers exist. If Blizzard were to redistribute all the players evenly across the current servers (minus the ones being removed), they’d all be decent and vibrant communities. FOMO and Blizzard doing nothing to curb that is where megaservers came from (both here and in Retail) and even a realm-locked RDF on a megaserver would be somewhat toxic because the same group pressures (or lack thereof) exist.
But man, it would be nice to have RDF without having to deal with those toxic servers.
you can get server identity in x realm. and player identity.
PVP has this happen often even in retail. pvp’s secret is…you have to remember names.
not all geared bears (retail pvp bears have been a, well, bear since season 1 really) are actually…good.
the key is knowing that Iamabear-tichondrius is a skilled player. they are not a carry. that dude can work necrolord bear like its going out of style.
then there is Iamabear-wra. that dude…can’t play worth a damn. carried obviously and so bad even gear is not helping them. he’s basically a living turnip.
For non retailers there is item that spawns a turnip. its a portable dps test dummy basically. it never fights back. you keep hitting it till bored lol.
The PVP community who use battlegrounds, at least in Classic, is a far smaller group and thus more likely to see the same names over, especially since all they do is roll over and over, so they’re all queueing at the same time with the same people.
Cross-Realm RDF does not have that level of regularity.
/shrug in the modern version if you like your group you can stay with them and keep queuing with them.
And with bnet friends you can even friend them and group with them later if yhou want
since rdf requires zero effort you are hardly encouraged to talk to anyone let alone add them.
Yeah, this is not and should never come to Classic. Retail is basically one massive server where all sense of community and respect are lost unless you choose to rely on specific people.
/shrug I can say the same about classic.
I can say the same about classic.
That’s called “You’re on a megaserver, mate. You chose that horrible situation.”