RBG meta is awful

I know it’s old news but is there any way we can nerf the boomy stacking? It’s broken and boring. I’m not suggesting directly nerfing boomkin, but please something…


What exactly is stacking with Boomkins?

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In my original RBGs I did back in Cata the non Classic version. All our team did was have two boomkins…and that was it for our boomies. They cleared out all around in sight. Prety leet and powerful. Just get two in your WSG and have them use their AoEs, they clear out quite a bit. Only had two on our team. You’d get others who would stack 4 or so and that would really wreck. Then one can just turn into a cat, run the flag, cast cc on others while they run it. So you can technically have an effective boomie stack with only two. Really no way Blizzard can “nerf” that apart from not allowing more than one druid into a RBG which they are not going to do.

Whats the new strat? All boomies?

Stack 4 boomkins

If you notice anything especially in arena their number one DMG is moonfire

What do you mean you dont wanna be skillfired to death by an obese chicken

Definitely a lot of teams are 3-4 Boomy. Just too much spread damage then their knocks are super powerful. An EFC trying to get across mid when your whole team is dying and you are getting knocked back multiple times. It’s tough. Then their knocks at Bases to spin flag or off the ledge. Their damage and utility is super strong.

Boomies melt everything and make you feel bad while melting.