After getting to 1500 in RBG Blitz I noticed that when I win one, it gives me up to 12 rating, and when I lose, it’s up to 11. Even if you lose 3 and lose 2, how are you even getting far with that? The queue takes about 10 minutes to call and the BG lasts about 10 minutes in average, even so it gives less rating than 2s do. It should be at least 30 per win, this system is terrible. I thought Solo Queue RBG would have been a good thing for PvP in WoW but it just seems like no one is even taking it seriously. Every game is you knowing you will have to play for two persons because the loss is almost always guaranteed. If the MMR at least made sense.
I made arguments for using a static amount of rating gained or lost, so that mmr did not affect how your current rating moved, but that was not implemented. I feel like I fairly easily climbed to 2300 in blitz over a month ago with the system that most people consider flawed. To gain rating, as you may have noticed, you simply can’t lose much at all. I am in no way saying you are a bad player. I am also in no way saying, I’m a good player. I kind of got lucky some of the time and had to try really hard all the time.
CR gain in Blitz is too slow.
Go 5-1 in Shuffle? Gain 58 points.
My team plays their little hearts out in Blitz and 3-caps the enemy? Gain 16 points.
I gotta say, 9 points for a win is ridiculous. Why bother? I do t know how many wins I got today, it wasn’t many, but every one was worth 9 points. The losses were each between 11-15, just seems really dumb.
How do I get more points for a win?
Some players have stopped playing all together… After the 10+ straight losses being power farmed by real money Booster premades that Blizzard ignores.
I think a static amount of rating gained or lost would be actually perfect, since Blizzard is too lazy to fix MMR.
eh, im not like super high rated on any of my chars, but mid to higher mmr. Most sit around 2100-2500 mmr at roughly 1500-1800 rating. If you lose enough early on in the “placement” games, and win streak out of them, can easily always gain 20-24 rating a win and zero per loss. I will grant that this only works while cr is much lower than mmr.
I hit 1900 on my rogue. And down to 1850. I was at 2500 mmr at one point. Big losing streak that seems unbreakable. I’ve lost interest
Just played two Blitz now, won a Twin Peaks by 3x0 and got 12 rating, lost AB by 1477-1500 and lost 11 rating. This system is simply trash, no incentive to play it at all. I was hoping Solo RBG would be a good thing but with this incompetent MMR system it’s just trash.