Razer Tartarus Pro Keybindings

You can already push a second key without releasing the first. Only difference is that it’s the same key being pushed while another is still down.

Two keys built into one, I think it’s pretty neat and I don’t think it’s anywhere near automation.

Put another way, there is no timer involved, so there’s no automation. If he pushes the key all they way down to trigger two keypresses, then that would be like pushing two keys simultaneously, which doesn’t have much benefit.

You would have to push the key halfway - pause - then press it the rest of the way. That’s two distinct actions.

Which breaks the one-action-per-keypress rule. You may be giving it a few seconds, but you aren’t releasing the key, so it’s still that one keypress.


Voice commands break that rule too, yet they are allowed. It’s not one “keypress” its one “hardware action” per in game action.

As usual, Wog has a unique interpretation of Blizzard’s policies.

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Guys i think its time to take a step back from this thread its going nowhere.


Voice commands that create multiple actions? Again, I’ll ask for you to post the link to that thread where you saw that.

You keep stating that there is proof that these things are allowed, yet you haven’t provided any proof.

I haven’t found any supporting documentation to back your claims up either. All I’ve been able to find is one key press = one action. I’ve seen nothing that says a single voice command is allowed to create multiple actions or that a single key-press (slightly-then-fully) is allowed to create multiple actions either.

Since this thread has veered off from it’s original intent and moved onto more of a soap-box, I think I’ll step away and simply report it for a lock. I’m sure if a Blue wants to provide their insight they will.


It’s a logical interpretation from all the blue responses I’ve seen on the subject. Here is a blue quote about the voice command software:

Multiple key presses/uses of abilities from a single command, spoken or typed? Not okay.

Inserting pauses? Not okay.

A single key press or command that issues a command to several different characters? Okay.

For example, you could use that same verbal command ‘Buff Group’ to trigger a single key-press macro (say, keybind c) which for your Mage is Arcane Brilliance, and for your Priest is Prayer of Fortitude. You could not include a step to have them rest. You could not make them drink. You cannot include more than a single step in that command.

My interpretation is based off the fact that this Blizzard poster acknowledges that voice commands that perform a single action are ok. ZERO KEY PRESSES PER ACTION.

He says “key press or command”.

I certainly welcome any official feedback as to why my interpretation is incorrect.

If you pause then complete the press down and release your key you have two actions (one from the pause and one from the complete press) from one key-press. That is classified under automation. It’s no different than the ones who asked if they could have one action on the down-press and another on the release. If you can’t arrange the actions you want in-game, don’t use the keyboard software to do it.


And you have yet to link any of them. The one’s you “claim” are blue responses, where are the links to the actual quote?

If you cannot link anything, highlight the text/link and press the Preformatted Text button </>

Here’s the key word. Blizzard does NOT go by your interpretation. You can rule lawyer all you want, but Blizzard has the final say. At this point we all know you are trolling now.

Just a fair warning to any player, do NOT take anything this poster has said as official word. If you cannot do with in-game macros, don’t do it, you do so at your own risk.


So… is this you acknowledging that multiboxing is not, in fact, ‘expressly forbidden’?


The forums were changed, that post is not available anymore. Here is a screenshot. And I am highly offended you think I would lie about blue post.


If Blizzard allows voice control software, that directly contradicts “one keypress one action” because there are zero keypresses involved. This means the policy is more like “one physical command for one in-game action”.

Of course I do. Multiboxing is certainly allowed. You won’t get banned for doing it. But no specific software is authorized and that software still runs afoul of the EULA wording. :slight_smile:

sigh :frowning:

But you are twisting what was said to push your “agenda”.

If I understand correctly,

  • half press and release=1
  • full press and release=Alt-1
    Sounds fine.

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Plug a regular keyboard into your pc
  2. Does hitting alt-1 using the regular keyboard work?
  • If yes, wow doesn’t like your tartarus setup. See if you can change the key combination in the tartarus setup to be “Left Alt Key-1” or “Right Alt key-1”. It might be that tartarus isn’t sending a specific alt key and that’s confusing things
  • If a regular keyboard didn’t work with alt-1 check if you have alt-1 keybound to anything, unbind it, and make the test macro below and put it on Action Button 1.
/cast [mod:alt] Kill command; Cobra Shot

Find a targeting dummy, summon a pet, and test that macro. What should happen is that the “alt-1” should do a kill command and the regular “1” should do a Cobra Shot

  1. Switch back to a regular keyboard and test it with the macro. It should work the same either way.
  2. If it doesn’t work change the macro text from “mod:alt” to just “mod”.

You may need to contact Razer and see if they have any info for you as well.

Fyi, shift-1 and Ctrl-1 are keybound by default to other things. Alt is the best thing to use here.


I’m just trying to help. There’s no reason to be spreading FUD about what appears to be a completely acceptable hardware configuration.

If there is any sort of timer or delay built into the command, I would be the first to point out that’s considered prohibited automation.

No you are not. You are spreading misinformation, based on your “interpretation”. If anyone goes by what you said, they’ll get a 6 month suspension.

So are you.

Very unlikely.

whatever you say…

I will give this a try. I do have my regular keyboard hooked up as well. When I try to do alt-1 on the regular keyboard, it works fine.

If I make the thumb key (Button 20) Alt and then do 1 (Button 02) it works as intended as well.