I’m just curious about what people’s overall impressions of Ray Tracing in WoW have been, and if Dragonflight will make better use of Ray Tracing compared to Shadowlands.
In Shadowlands, Ray Tracing seemed very pointless. There seemed to be almost no advantage to enabling Ray Tracing, and the resulting decrease in performance definitely made it not worth it.
Example Screenshots:
Ray Tracing OFF
Ray Tracing ON
The one and only advantage that I’ve seen with Ray Tracing is that shadows blur at increased distances. Like for example:
Ray Tracing OFF
Ray Tracing ON
That is an improvement IMO, since it is odd for Shadows to be unnaturally sharp even when you are very far away from the surface that the shadow is being projected onto. But when doing content, how often are you paying attention to shadows that are so far away?
One major thing that Ray Tracing is supposed to do is help handle multiple sources of light, and project shadows accordingly. Imagine if you were in a room with two sources of light. When you are close to one source of light, your shadow will primarily be based on that source of light. As you walk from that light source to the other light source, your first shadow will gradually fade, and a 2nd shadow will gradually grow more prominent. While in the middle, you should actually appear to have two separate faint shadows.
I have yet to encounter anywhere in the game (In Shadowlands) where I ever have more than one shadow at the same time. In addition, the shadow that is cast from my character does not always seem to correspond with obvious sources of light in the location where I am (lamps, fires, other bright objects, etc). If I am standing right next to a bright lamp or a fire, then my character should be casting a related shadow. But often, my character is instead casting a single shadow from some random unknown light source above the character. These other sources of light (lamps, etc) don’t appear to be actual sources of light, but merely random textures.
So based on that, I strongly believe that the main issue with the underwhelming implementation of Ray Tracing in Shadowlands isn’t related to the Ray Tracing tech itself, but rather, lazy content creation that isn’t actually designating light sources in a particular location as being actual sources of light. That lamp, that fire, etc, isn’t actually producing any light as far as the game engine is concerned.
Perhaps this is because most Shadowlands content was actually made before Ray Tracing was really introduced into the game? Dragonflight would be the first expansion where Ray Tracing has existed even during the expansion’s development. Has anyone seen any evidence that Ray Tracing is being better utilized in Dragonflight? Are obvious sources of light in Dragonflight content (lamps, fires, etc) made into actual sources of light now?