Ray tracing for WoW?

So I just got done watching the showcase for the Xbox Series X and was pretty impressed with the ray tracing. I know that’s a thing in the gtx 2080 series and am now very curious how that would work in WoW. I’m getting very giddy just thinking about it.

There are a few topics I’d like to discuss with you guys:

  1. How do you guys feel about ray tracing in WoW?
  2. Should blizzard bother using resources to implement this feature?
  3. Would this feature encourage you to play WoW more?
  4. Would this encourage you to upgrade your rig to support ray tracing?


wow does not support nor does it have reflections aside from water and we dont do much on water

Was a typo. Thanks for pointing that out. :slight_smile:

Everything has a refractive index. Ray tracing is about more than just water.


Did u see the ray tracing demo for minecraft? Pretty cool stuff.

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i hadnt touched minecraft since 2009

Well I’ve never played minecraft, but I can appreciate the application of ray tracing to a game like minecraft in a tech demo to illustrate how important ray tracing is for graphical fidelity in gaming. Even when applied to a game as basic as minecraft. They also did one for quake 2 I think, which was equally impressive.

Anyway you’ll see. If they introduced ray tracing to WoW, it would give it the “next-gen” look people have always wanted, without breaking the art style like every sensible WoW player fears a dramatic upgrade to the game’s graphical fidelity could result in.

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maybe that would be the WoW 2.0 people have been asking for? :stuck_out_tongue:


Ray tracing was a thing way before the Xbox 4. (or XSocks. :laughing:)

I would like to see anything in ray tracing personally, and not just in a few select games like Battlefield 5, but in the games that i actually play, like GTA SA, Spyro, Assassin’s Creed 2, Far Cry 5, Fallout 4, etc. Kinda sucks that in order to get that, not only i must get the GPU to support that but the games to support that too, which is a tiny list that doesn’t even make the price of the GPU justified. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think ReShade was making on their own Ray Tracing preset, and it’s still in development, though Reshade can’t be used on Online games. It’s not true ray tracing but it still looks nice none the less.

Even if the Xbox isn’t your cup of tea (which lets be honest, it won’t be for most people here), the ray tracing is still impressive. I do agree that seeing it in a wider volume of games would be its first selling point. But the iteration of this specific technology is so early in its stages it hard to say what will be supported down the road. I’m HOPING that since xbox is picking up ray tracing, maybe more PC games will follow suite?

Ray tracing is cool tech that’s still way too demanding.
You need a $1k+ card to run it at 1440+ / 60 fps so imo it’s nothing more than a gimmick to get hype.

Once it runs without cutting your fps in half, then I will be excited.


You are right the Xbox and Ps5 supporting ray tracing is exciting and will help it become more main stream. Now all we need is the 30 series Nvidia cards and ATI/Amd to drop theirs.

Amen to that.

I agree. I mean maybe the new cards will have a way of reducing demand on performance.

WoW would be a great game for ray tracing though because it’s not an over demanding game for the GPU.

I play most games with Shadow details on Low or Off, Ray Tracing would have no benefit for me.

There was talk that Shadowlands may support it.

And, with Shadowlands, we could see ray tracing make its way into the game according to an interview with WoW developers Michael Bybee and Patrick Magruder on MMO-Champion. According to the interview, “the engine team is working on taking advantage of RTX”.


That would be awesome!!

Thus would destroy wow in so many ways.

I have an RTX 2060, but I don’t think I have any games that use ray tracing. :frowning_face: