Raw vs. Smackdown vs. AEW vs. NXT

I have been watching wrestling when it was a sport, then sports entertainment. Over the past 7 months, I noticed how NXT has better product than Raw or Smackdown, but AEW is closely to be a resemblance of the yester year wrestling.

As for Raw and Smackdown goes, if feels there are two writing teams. Because Smackdown is very, very entertaining. Raw is a snore fest. NXT is always reliable (better since they don’t compete with AEW).

AEW has solid wrestlers, and their stories are good for the most part. It is going to take time before Vince can think of them as a rival, but they sure are creeping faster.

Smackdown has so many good components and the writing is way better and more interesting than Raw.

Any thoughts?


I’ve been really digging AEW when I get a chance to watch it. I was a WCW kid growing up so I’m more in line with their style of wrestling. I really like what they are doing with Kenny omega and Don Callis. They really seem to be bringing an old school vibe to their product.

Can’t say I watch too much WWE. It really hasn’t done much for me over the years. I’ve been a fan of AJ Styles since his X Division days in TNA and I enjoy what he’s been doing on raw though. What little I’ve seen of NXT is pretty good as well. Their music is good.

Do you think there is any validity to the rumors of a WWE sale?

I think the old McMahon is getting tired of the business and will probably ask for NBC to buy the product. When it happens, you could most likely kiss goodbye to story lines that are “offensive”. The rumors are persistent, but I take everything with a grain of salt.

I have no clue, I haven’t watched wrestling since the 1980s. I have seen adverts here and there, but because I don’t know the characters it means very little.
Isn’t Raw and Smackdown both WWF?

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Yes. They are WWE’s, as well as NXT. AEW is its own wrestling (not sports entertainment) company. AEW is more like the NWA/WCW style of wrestling.