Ravika NPC Help

Hey all,
I’m working on getting the 500 toys achievement and trying to clean up some of the non-drop related ones.
I noticed I’m missing a few from Ravika, the troll NPC who was there during the assault on Org (iirc), but thats been done and over with.
I’ve searched wowhead for info and tried a few of the tactics to have her phased but it hasn’t work.
So, does any one know how to currently get the toys from this NPC?

She is still there if you are on the Legion Returns quest.

I just tested with a level 10 Vulpera Priest.

So take a character who has never done the Legion quest chain and accept “The Legion Returns” from the warboard in Valley of Strength. Just click on the Broken Shore tab on warboard to get it. Don’t turn in quest and just go down to the shore.


This worked perfectly, and I was able to get them.
Thank you so much!

Got the 500 toy achv now :smiley:

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You’re welcome.

Grats on achieve!

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