Ravenholdt Refugees?

Recently returning to Azeroth for the first time since WOTLK. And my home world of Ravenholdt is a desolate ghost town. Dropped this in other realms to no avail. Just looking for familiar faces. Not expecting much, but if you’re out there say hi!

If not, happy hunting!! And boy is the nostalgia real.


I’m considering moving here as well, Alliance.
Horde is also dead on ravenholdt. They need to merge more realms, several RP realms in Shadowburn could easily be merged.

Stay horde, trust me :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll even offer up SSC’s doors if you need a place in the horde

Definitely time to look at condensing retail rp realms. While some folks that went to classic are playing both, there are a lot that are not coming back.

For Horde or Alliance, we are mostly using discords to coordinate rp events and guild advertisements. If you would like the links, dm on discord @Winter#3381