Ravenheim 8/8H 1/8M looking for more!

Welcome in traveler! Grab a pint! :beers:

Want to be a viking? or maybe a shield-maiden?

About Us :open_book:
< Ravenheim > on Stormrage (A) is a Mid-core, Weekday, AOTC raiding guild obsessed with Old Norse mythology and Viking culture. Having grown tired of elitism, cliques, and red tape after years of playing, we built this guild as a way to build friendships, clear content, and simply have fun.

Goals :checkered_flag:

We focus each tier on AOTC Raid , KSM M+ and some Mythic raiding. We have never and will never make Cutting Edge our primary goal. We are all of the mind that ‘progression with friends’ is fun, employing a 3 pull rule on any difficult fight to ensure we don’t burn out.

We Offer :fist_right: :fist_left:

*Raid - Tuesday / Thursday 9pm - 11pm EST
*Mythic+ Crest Farm (4’s & 8’s) - Monday 9pm - 11pm EST
*Monthly Contests
*Inclusive, Sodium-free Culture

Recruiting Needs: :crossed_swords:


  • Tanks: Full
  • Healers: Full
  • DPS: Evoker, Ranged DPS

Mythic+ Push Groups:

  • Tanks: Medium
  • Healers: High
  • DPS: High

Leadership - Were trying to expand for Season 2 and beyond! We need:

  • Raid Lead for Possible second team

We are also welcoming of social/casual players

Recruiting - Böundless (Discord: boundless828)

We’re brushing off the dust from our holiday vacation and we’re back in full swing.

We are also always on the look out for M+ runners and social members as well.

Discord: Boundless828

Happy Friday!!

We’re looking for an evoker ( Aug or Dev) and a couple ranged DPS to round out the raid team.

Discord: Boundless828

Quick Tuesday Bump-

Still looking for a couple ranged DPS for season 2.
Social members are always welcome to join as well.

Discord: Boundless828