<Ravenheim> 1/8M | AOTC & KSM Focused | LF Raiders for Heroic Reclear, Mythic Prog & Keystone Pushers!

Welcome in traveler! Grab a pint! :beers:

Want to be a viking? or maybe a shield-maiden?

About Us :open_book:
< Ravenheim > on Stormrage (A) is a Mid-core, Weekday, AOTC raiding guild obsessed with Old Norse mythology and Viking culture. Having grown tired of elitism, cliques, and red tape after years of playing, we built this guild as a way to build friendships, clear content, and simply have fun. You pay for the game, you play it how you want.

Goals :checkered_flag:

We focus each tier on AOTC Raid , KSM M+ and some Mythic raiding. We have never and will never make Cutting Edge our primary goal. We are all of the mind that ‘progression with friends’ is fun, employing a 3 pull rule on any difficult fight to ensure we don’t burn out.

We Offer :fist_right: :fist_left:

  • :axe: Raid - Tuesday / Thursday 9pm - 11pm EST

  • :shield:Mythic+ Push Night - Friday 9pm - 11pm EST

  • :coin: Mythic+ Crest Farm (4’s & 8’s) - Monday 9pm - 11pm EST

  • :trophy: Achievement & Fun Runs - Sunday 9pm - 11pm EST

  • :calendar: Monthly Contests

  • :metal: Inclusive, Sodium-free Culture

:crossed_swords: Recruiting Needs: :crossed_swords:


  • Tanks: Full
  • Healers: 1 Spot - Any Spec
  • DPS: 1 Spot - Ranged DPS pref

Mythic+ Push Groups:

  • Tanks: Medium
  • Healers: High
  • DPS: High

Leadership - Were trying to expand for Season 2 and beyond! We need:

  • PvP Leads
  • Mythic+ Leads
  • Raid Lead for Main team or potential second team!

Recruiting - Böundless (Discord: boundless828)
Guild Leader - Razørtongue (Discord: razorokk)


Hello Viking brothers and sisters!

Ok I am not a Viking but come from Irish/Welsh background. Do you accept Celts?

I am maining an ele shaman or a mage in TWW. Interested in a regular raiding spot and M+.

Please let me know if you are looking for shammy/mage.

I will be on tonight for early access. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much!

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Hey! Anyone can be a viking! I’d like to chat with you about your ele shaman! Please reach out via discord : Boundless828 :slight_smile:

Happy Tuesday!

We are on the hunt for a Warlock to come join the raid team!

Feel free to reach out via discord Boundless828

8 Days until raid day! Always recruiting casuals, key runners and maybe even a bench raider or two!

Happy Friday Eve!

On the look out for a priest or a druid healer

Discord: Boundless828

Always lookin for folks, casuals, PvP’er, altoholics. Come on in!

Happy Friday Vikings!

We are always on the lookout for M+ runners and social members.
Players of all skill levels are welcome.

Discord: Boundless828

Quick bump to the top.

Looking for some ranged DPS for our raid team. Healing OS is a bonus!

We are also accepting m+ and casual members as well!

Discord Boundless828 :slight_smile:

Still looking for a couple more ranged! Were at 20 but could use some buffer going into heroic :slight_smile:

Currently 6/8N

Happy Friday Vikings!

Just wanted to quick update on our progress. We are 8/8N 1/8H as of last night. Looking for some more DPS to help round out the raid team.

We also offer a little something for everyone even if you are not a raider with guild events, M+ nights and even delve nights!

Discord: Boundless828 :slight_smile:

Once upon a time we killed a spider queen, but were still looking for DPS

Still lookin for a couple more DPS to round out our team! Halloween Tmog contest coming up soon too!

Another boss dead, lookin for a healer and a couple more DPS to get us up to 25 raiders for heroic! Send us a message!

Hi there! Was curious if you we’re still looking for raiders! You’re guild sounds like just the atmosphere I would be looking for! Currently playing rogue, character name is Dalinath, let me know if you have a spot! :smiley:

Hey Dalinath!

Shoot me a request on Discord: Boundless828, I’d love to chat about a dps spot :slight_smile:

611 Hunter, 8/8N 4/8 H. Interested in Joining thanks.

Shoot me a message on Discord: Boundless828 and we can chat some more :slight_smile:

sent you a friend request on disc, thanks

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2 more Heroic bosses down! Still lookin for some DPS to get us to 25 man!