Our Tues/Thurs 630st raid team is looking for an Enhancement Shaman and a Resto Druid or Holy Priest. We are currently 3/6 in SWP(as of 6/2) and still doing BT runs as well. We try to have fun and do well in raid week to week. If you still need ZA loot, we usually have multiple signups a week for it, and currently have a separate signup for Hyjal on sunday for those that still need it. You can dm me ingame on Catfishwilly , or any officer of Ravenguard! Looking forward to it
Hi, do you have disc or bnet i can add to get in contact?
Yeah, you can reach me in game on Catfishwilly, or through discord CatfishWillyy#9251
writes down all of these delicious b-tags for future use