Ravencrest's Legacy Bug

Im trying to complete the Ravencrest’s legacy quest, and I get one shot by the boss at the very beginning. Then my mages die, and even if i can get my mages to attack first so I have no aggro it takes around 10-15 mins of auto attacks to get her to 75% hp. then when im supposed to get the ability to drain my Mages health I have no abilities on my bar. I have tried this with and without addons, I have abandoned the quest and picked it back up, I have /Reload over 100 times, nothing seems to work. Help me Blizzard-wan Kenobi you’re my only hope.


I’m having same problem

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Same been trying for 2 days now. Mages are dead I have no mana and she sends me back to the portal.

70 ZT Paladin


I am also having the same problem.

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Same issue. I hope this will be fixed before TWW. This is the time that people do previous quests before the new expac.

Seems similar to all the other quests where you control a vehicle or another character where the scaling is mega borked and you basically get insta-gibbed.

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So we just hope devs have free time before this is fixed? Since this is an old content? Sorry this is the first time I encountered a bug while questing.

Same I’m having the same issue nothing is scaling to allow me to defeat her I’m hitting her and is say 18 to a high as 185? Anyways to fix it?

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I’m having this problem too. I can auto attack to 75% and it’ll go through the RP and I have to /reload to get the abilities while my health is being drained by her stun. However after that I can use my abilities like twice before I run out of mana and she one shots me. spawning at the portal doesn’t help because I still have no mana and boss is at 100% HP again.

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Bumping this so I hope they can fixed this before TWW.


On 2022/10/17 (Patch 9.2.7), I posted a comment about this on Wowhead : Ravencrest’s Legacy - Quest.

This quest has been bugged since Legion and every time Blizzard rejiggers the stats in-game, it gets more broken.


Bump. Still cant complete this quest!!

Does anyone know if this is a blocker to obtain artifacts weapon transmog? Or class hall campaign can be completed without doing this?

I’m trying to do this quest but i have no abilities on the action bar so all i can do is auto attack and cant get past the boss spawning infernals

I completed it a month ago on another character and it was working, I’m pretty sure the issue was caused by prepatch.

Having the same problem. Inspecting the combat log shows that my attacks deal ~100 damage, but the first boss deals around 90k in a single hit and wipes out all of my health.

I’ve just tried again after a few updates came in on the launcher and was able to complete the scenario. Damage has been massively scaled up and it’s a cakewalk now.


I just tried a few days ago and it doesn’t work. So frustrating.