Rating system is toxic and should be removed or reworked

Should be reworked to a thumbs up / thumbs down system. At the end of the run you can score your team mates with a like or dislike. That way you can know for sure which players are toxic and to stay away from.

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God I remember those days. Out damaging a 6k gear score toon on a fleshy dinged level 80.

I don’t think this will solve anything. The last pug I was in I got cussed out because I didn’t heal through 9 stacks of the aura debuff on a tyrannical witch fight in WM.

I have no doubt the person who cussed me out would give me a huge thumbs down and that points to a huge flaw in this idea.

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excuse me, round is a shape

You could probably find a way to build a performance score off of logs. CC, interrupts, early pulls, defensive usage, dps/hps, etc.

Raids you have parsing. You can be 9/9 Mythic but be a green parse Andy, so we can tell you were boosted and/or not a real 9/9M player.

That’s like me going in and clearing for CE (paid for with gold) once at like 6th week, then signing up for US 100 prog groups. The only thing stopping me from doing that is a score metric (logs) that are performance based, not completion based.

Keys should be the same.

You can log keys too. I do.

I’m surprised there isn’t like a baseball stat head trying to come up with a WAR score for M+.

All good guilds understand that parses don’t really matter.

It’s more about how much you hold back the team by standing in stuff.

(You have to do enough dps/hps to carry your own weight, but beyond that, mechanics matter more.)

Then you have stop dps phases.

Also disappointed that you actually don’t have CE. (Recent ones at least.)

Absolutely, the little number next to your score can be bought with a PI from your Priest if you really think about it.

That’s not what I’m talking about here, “green parse Andy” is a figure of speech. I’ve done plenty of coaching and log review, there’s a lot more to “you green parse mythic” when directed at the raid leader or a dedicated mechanics player that makes the raid possible to begin with.

If you take into consideration something like Wowanalyzer, it takes your logs and creates a review for you. Is it perfect? No, but it’s excellent for casual players to get a quick understanding of their shortcomings (class wise) on a particular fight.

What’s stopping us from doing something similar?

Example, desktop app that automatically reads and parses your combat log from the previous dungeon (completed or not), and generates a readout of your performance for your class and role.

The raiderio desktop addon already records combat log data and uses it to validate key runs.

We could very easily create a “value score” based on last… Idk… 3-4 dungeons?

You see me sign-up in your queue and you hover me, it says

Serrow (2950) [+23 WM (0.93)]

PlayerName (SCORE) [{last dungeon} ({aggregate performance score of past 4 runs})]

You know I’m a 0.93 out of 1 for my last 4 runs, so 93rd percentile for my role and class, and my last dungeon I ran was a +23 Waycrest Manor.

This could obviously be expanded upon, but at a glance you get a value prop of - yes, Serrow can do the mechanics and is clearly doing something right for the past few runs, I will take them despite not being a meta 3k io player.

I traded my CE lifestyle for an IRL CE lifestyle, don’t have time to main-game wow anymore, so I just coach and do keys nowadays.

Tried my hand at Sark this expac though, came in towards the 20% to fill in for a friend and learned the fight in 6 pulls - I guess once you’ve got it you’ve always got it, just don’t care enough.

The current rating system for M+ was introduced in 9.1, ported over wholesale from the Raiderio website. Prior to that, Raiderio was already being used as a M+ leaderboard aggregate.

Removing rating from the game isn’t going to make a difference. Blizzard merely acknowledged the scoring system, altering it to require participation in both Tyrannical and Fortified keys rather than the old method that discouraged key pushing on most Tyrannical weeks.

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Many people like to play the game in this way though. Trying to push their score the highest and competing for a spot on the leaderboard.

Without score there is 0 incentive to push beyond 10s or even more than your 8 keys for vault and crest cap

yah thats not how that works at all. get a group if you dont want to heal or tank

I am fine with ratings. It gives you some idea of the level of experience, or exposure, the player has. I do wish it was shared between characters without needing to use RIO to see it.

My biggest thing is I wish there was the ability to block Battle.net accounts from queueing into your groups/postings, and that there was also a social rating.

There’s nothing wrong with IO existing. It’s just a quick reference guide to tell people the same things they used to have to look up in Armory, or have you come to SW bank (or wherever) for inspection to determine in the past.

I tried to just start off apping to +5’s on Friday, but couldn’t get into groups. So I did +2’s across the board, then +5’s and now starting on 6’s, and I’m basically wearing the same gear I was getting denied to 5’s in-in the first place, so the only thing that changed was I put a few hours of runs into proving to people I could probably heal the content I was applying for. I didn’t think of it as them ‘wanting to be carried,’ I’m sure there were just plenty of healers in LFG with better scores than mine who didn’t get a 5 day late start on the season. I don’t know why everyone has to look at everything from some entitled, negative position–most WoW content is accessible to everyone if you put a little time into your character.

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2500 is terribly low

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Just chip away at your rating. Fill in the gaps. If you have spotty rating, I wouldn’t take you either- those are always the bricked keys when you “give people a chance” because you really need ‘x’ to fill your party.

We can’t vet people based on ilvl anymore, so a closer look at rating and io spottiness are how it has to be done. You’re exuding jealousy for people who worked for more than you, it’s offputting.

Instead, work on yourself as I mentioned.
You should also be championing for more rewards and incentive for tanks/healers which will decrease supply/demand of DPSers. Think man.

But at the same time, it is the highest any that don’t push keys for the sake of pushing (I.E. those that just go for max vault gear) will likely get, give or take a bit for the ones they time in the, current, 8-10 range.

i promise you that i’ve seen 10x the players with low rating that performed exactly as i’d expect-- poorly.

If i’m running low keys i preference individuals with low IO on the current character, with high IO mains.

The rating system isn’t working imo. It works for people who run +10/20 keys at the start of every season and then doesn’t function whatsoever for people trying to gear in Heroic, M0 or 5 player content.

When I try to heal Heroics or zeroes in Season 4, they’re the hardest content I’ve ever done and I already out gear them AND have timed keys higher than them. The zeroes I’ve done have been harder than the +5s I did with friends. That’s unplayable to me. That means I can only play WoW at the exact time my friends are online, is that really what people want for this game?