Rated Solo Shuffle Update

Do i need people in my party to queue for shuffle? Or can i queue alone

You need to have those who won matches earn their winnings and those who lost matches receive their losses, in the event one of the players leaves.

I know you’ll get the occassional “So my partner was afk for 1 round and the next round he gets booted so I got a loss for no reason… and the other team gets a free win… that’s dumb.”

But, I think the ladder of people who win 2-5 games and 1 person leaves on the 6th, those players should be rewarded for their time spent and determination to the win they acquired.

Otherwise, it just feels like everyone is getting screwed when 1 person leaves (especially when you’re often waiting 15-20+ minutes for a queue right now).


One issue is that I am not able to upgrade PVP gear with rating. Have reached challenger, it says I still need Combatant I rating to upgrade. Either this is rated PVP, or it is not. Why make it like Rated Light. Give all the same rewards and upgrades as other rated modes.


still cant upgrade gear with solo shuffle rating

plz fix!

im so sad! i just wanna gear my alts!

i got the rating! plz let me upgrade now!!!


I feel your pain my dood

You can only que for solo shuffle when you are by yourself it won’t work while in a party if I remember correctly

I like the ideas for making this mode better but if you did that realize you would have 2 tanks and a healer on each team and those 6 matches would take an eternity unless you could get 1 dps 1 tank and 1 healer but even then the match will take a lot longer than normal too haha what you think about taking 5 times longer to finish matches - let me know what you think

Same friend.

So when are we going to start punishing leavers… this is 4/6 today that I was 3-4 wins and someone leaves so you get no conquest and no rating. Honor isnt really useful anymore unless you can gain rating to be able to use it.

After spamming solo shuffle for a few days Ive listed a few key takeaways from the experience

Leaving still does not issue a rating penalty, if one person leaves, all will get zero points

You can win the majority of rounds and not gain rating

Having tank comps in solo shuffle creates a situation where you are forced to coinflip, which leaves no room for actual skillful play. 99% of my tank matchups are over in the first 15 seconds, even at 2k mmr

It will probably not happen right away but a thought for the future regarding this mode

I feel there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking the current 2v2 and 3v3 bracket and simply allowing a solo queue rating for it

All current standard solo queue games are about 15-30 mins in a 5v5 setting (think league, valorant, overwatch) They all have their flaws but as a person who has played all of those games it is easily managed, even when someone leaves.

Also, some tuning issues:

Ele shamans are overtuned and abusing a 1 shot mechanic

Windwalkers also overtuned (strike of the windlord) abusing 1 shot mechanic

All warlock specs defensives are overtuned giving them way too much survivability

Demon hunters way overtuned in general

You can win all 6 of them and still get 0. I experienced that 2 times already as a healer. I have 2100 rating and avg rating of the other 5 ppl I am queueing into is ~1800. So even 6 wins give me 0 rating.


You are correct I think he just meant he wanted a 1v1 but I could be wrong

How do you hit 2100 when you win 3 rounds and someone leaves giving you zero rating?? I am about 60+% leavers right now at 1500 rating and any time you win 3 rounds someone drops and you get zero rating


Your mistake here was assuming every single rated mode should last upwards of 15 minutes. We needed a much faster “solo” (it’s not really solo when you’re carrying 2 other random swapped people for 6 games) mode that doesn’t hamfist lengthy games. We got fast queues, fast games = faster honor / conquest and rating movement. Solo shuffle is NOT your standard 3v3 or 5v5 snorefest that you are clinging to as the untouchable meta mode for arena right now. I say this as someone who has played 5 hour arena games; yes we did once play games that lasted this long once upon a time. I laugh at your paltry 30 minute battles. I’ve had games where we had to get GMs involved because people were getting themselves stuck in pillars and refusing to quit so we could all move on.

Point being that faster games make rated more fun, not these snoozefest half hour meta-slave comps where you just wait for someone to misclick, mistime or fall asleep. Solo shuffle RATED is fine how it is and what you keep hearing in terms of complaints are all pre-patch DF birthing pains of a new mode / new talent changes.

Let it go. Give it a few months before you go off the farm with hyperbolic statements based upon wholly different modes of arena.


Great change but its not fair to players who won 5 out of 6 rounds

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Great start but it still a punishment to the players that waited in queue then spent 10 minutes fighting. They should still get their rewards calculated to the time that the person left.

Players even with a long deserter will just switch characters to be a repeat offender just to troll. these debuffs need to be account wide and need to keep increasing the more times it happens within a certain amount of time


I have won 122 out of 186 rounds. Healers always get insta queues, so I can play much more games than dd players. As soon as someone leaves, I get a new shuffle instantly

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Even though this clearly says the conquest/gear issue has been, I have come to terms with the fact that this wont be fixed until the Tuesday reset.

BUT can a blue clarify if the Vault rewards will be updated with the reset so our vault drops match the rating we earned this week?


Rating gain/loss has to be balanced when you’re matched with others at lower ratings. I’m currently at 1767 after reaching 1870 earlier in the day. This is how I went after being matched to people in the sub-1000 bracket:

3 - 3 = -10
5 - 1 = +5
2 - 4 = -56
5 - 1 = 0 rating
5 - 0 = 0 rating. Someone DC.
3 - 3 = -5

So in total I had 23 wins (or 18 if we don’t count the DC) with 12 losses, all to lose 65 rating. Notice how I ended up losing rating on both 3-3 matches, meaning each match is worth a different value. In order for the Solo Shuffle to make sense at higher ratings, every match should be worth the same, so that if you go 3 - 3 your rating should be 0.

Having those two 5 - 1 rounds where all I got for 'em was +5 felt like a gut punch. What a colossal waste of time.

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Happy to see leaver penalty increased, thanks.

It would be very cool if those who didn’t leave were placed back in queue. Having to requeue after someone leaves in the round one (1) lobby feels bad. What if, perhaps, if someone leaves you were automatically put back in queue with some prio above a new queue?

I will say leavers haven’t dominated my experience, they occur in a small number of matches; however, a 7 minute queue for a draw-by-leaver into another 7 minute queue is pretty awful for those of us who play with integrity.