Rated PvP for Vanilla, Rated BGs not Arenas

There’s is nothing wrong with making changes to Era without losing the classic Era feel.

SOD did exactly that. Where did it start and where is it now?

People are still under the delusion blizzard knows whats good for the game


Yeah and look at the state phase 3 was in
It was stale they couldn’t even fill raid groups

Do you honestly think players will come back to Era after SoD and where ever cata go’s

It’s bascily like going from doing more damage having more abilities to less.

Yes some players will come back but definitely not all.

The drop off started at p2, this was not a p3 exclusive nuke

When exactly did i say that or is this just the straw man?

Not everyone plays the game for damage meters

I would love a new raid , you can only raid Naxx so many times

I’d love new BG’s and rated PvP & dungeons etc
With still keeping the Era feel

I agree, but personally I would just replay it all over again bone stock because 90% of the reason I play is not “for raids”. I raid to get pvp gear

I was an avid RBG supporter and have since changed my mind after sod

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Reguardless if it was phase 2/3/4 point is it died off players stopped playing there was a content drought

People quit before content draughts. SOD is just terrible and feels like chit to play. Its hollow and meaningless, everyone is insta geared instantly every phase and everything is too easy. Its a game for addicts, thats all thats left

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I don’t play SoD so I won’t comment on that
But your opinion isn’t the opinion of others

Games die off without content
Look at ANY game and you can see it not just “WoW” if you cannot see that you are delusional

Okay, and cata is the “new content”

vanilla is just a game, separated from its extensions. You want mroe content play their extensions or any of the failed seasons theyll continue to put out. Theyll all be bad. the 2 seasons already show that

a 20 year old wooden game retaining players after all these years is beyond impressive, and content junkies flame it constantly yet people keep replaying it


See you say that…
But look at the number of players playing Era
To cata you can’t say Era is the better game

( it’s a better game to you, Yes but like I’ve stated before your opinion is yours not everyone else’s doesn’t make yours wrong , or right)

Not to mention they had to merge every realm together to have a player base

Era is definitely special without a doubt but it gets stale.

There will always be players playing the game nostalgia gets everyone eventually

Still here 5 years later.


yeah its pretty similar to SOD, the new content remember?

Are you going to be saying this after it has massive pop fall offs as all wow expansions do and are proven?

Is cata better or is it just new and different currently? be honest with yourself. Can you compare apples to oranges? Under this pretense I could compare retail to era. (lol)

They did the same for cata, which hosts HALF the population of wrath. so which is better, wrath which is old and stale now?

It has nothing to do with nostalgia, this is the most ridiculous straw man any clueless person can bring up

You are trying to make your self look and sound better by asking your self easy questions.

You are also replying to my post with “ What if”
It hasn’t happened it’s a fictional point

We have different opinions nothing wrong with that.
Again not saying you are wrong but you are definitely not right either.

GG won’t be commenting back
Gl hf :slight_smile:


What do you mean “what if”? did wrath have more players than cata or not? Is cata newer than wrath or not bro?

I do not disagree

I accept your concession

player population does not = “bis game”, not does “new content”


8 WSG’s going right now.

so many people in SW city that I cant count them all.

In before “Ironforge pro shows”

It only shows people who log raids, and the overwhelming number of people playing “ERA” do not log, the crowd here is very different from SoD.


So 400% more wsgs on average than sod, which:

Is the “new content for vanilla”

Nerfed premade qs to “make pugs feel better”

“Class specs improved to be more viable”

Funny how that all panned out

Sod had 300 games up early on, mind you

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“new content” that no one wants to play, with new classes no one seems to like…

Meanwhile everyone is playing “old game” on a “phresh” server… or on WMC for the lolz in WSG / Farm that naxxx looooooooooooooooooooooooot.

and world PVP on WMC is lit, I have more fun in “Vanilla” than I can remember in Retail excluding MoP from 5.1 till WoD came out and ruined everything.

And being flat honest looking back I think vanilla is just better in so many ways.

About SoD tho… people learned its crap because well it is, so they quit and play vanilla or Cata.

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Yup. I’m there too casually. I will be back in bg soon

Sod is extremely bad it’s actually unreal how volatile their model is for the game.

Did you know the fallout from sod is actually worse than WOD?

That puts sod as the singled out version of wow that has had the largest fallout/worst player retention in all of world of Warcraft history to date

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