Rated BG Blitz is a COMPLETE joke

This mode needs to be scrapped in favor of something that doesn’t require your team mates to have 75% authority on you winning or losing.

I remember they had smaller maps created for 6v6. Let’s start there.


You are right, but I am willing to duo-queue with you on my fully geared Holy Paladin and help out. Let me know if you’re interested.

and btw I’d free-carry girls player to Elite in Blitz
lmk UwU

gotta q early so you can be self played by the better players instead of having to solo carry for 700cr late season


As a demon hunter, I prefer larger maps. In blitz bgs with a single objective, like capture the flag maps, powerful classes with high DPS, healing, mobility, or strong CC abilities always dominate.

However, when a map involves managing multiple objectives simultaneously, overlooked classes like DHs can contribute. Blitz bgs focus on completing objectives rather than simply securing killing blows, which sets them apart from arenas.

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DH is strong for Blitz, but class strength alone cannot equip you for the players that rng on your team.

Shift rating gains away from a flat win/lose and more into tracking personal performance.

Also, gaining only 20 rating when you’re 1500cr and beat a 2200 rated team is garbage. It just takes wayyyy too long to climb rating in blitz.

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Yeah same problem, after 1550/1600…my cr , we win a 2500-2800 lobby and only get +24, and sure when you lose don’t lose CR but for me it’s the aspect of people having these hyper inflate crs in blitz playing at mmrs that we will not see in another season… losing their minds in chat completely throwing giving up saying 1 thing then doing the polar opposite.

I like blitz and I’m glad I finally farmed out GM in the first 2 weeks when mage was giga broken but this mode has more flaws than even shuffle.

Honorable mention to MW most of my lobbies are basically MW roulette or who has the better MW or the diabolical match up of dub Rsham vs Dragon/MW on WSG

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Yea my experience has been pretty awful to say the least. There are many games where it feels like I have literally zero agency on whether we win or lose. It’s not just about dmg obviously but it can be really frustrating when the other team has 4 or more of the top dps or you have a ton of players in full greens. Also, randomly facing a team with a few higher lvl players (2200xp in a 15-1600 blitz) can be gg. There’s just only so much you can do as a single player to makeup for major imbalances such as these.

It’s really annoying when you win a blitz say at a low rating like 1600 and gain +20, and so now you’re at 1620. Then bad luck, for 2-3 games and you’re back down to 1600 or lower, then you win again and you’re 1620. Meanwhile you’ve just burned 3-4 hours to end up exactly where you started at 1620 even though you’re 200-300cr higher in RSS (which is less inflated).

And that’s just an example. I’ve lost up to 7 or 8 games in a row in a bad string of luck. Could I have played better myself in some of those games? probably yes. Would it have meant we won any of them? In most of them, probably not.

You can still carry, you think you are doing things correctly when you aren’t.

This isn’t to say that there aren’t any clown lobbies, but this is what happens when you play with other people.


Fr you cant even say you have 25% unless you are rogue or healer, and then it’s still pushing it. I can’t imagine how this thing is supposed to track and rate individual performance and improvement based on only w/l??? Something about this feels fried

I’m glad to have another rated queue but I would have preferred more arena options, net id say blitz is decent

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Yeah. I can get pretty tilted playing blitz when no one seems to give a darn. Had a healer in my last one sit in between quarry and farm healing himself while we lost everything. Then I’d like well I’m tops in heals. Every game it seems that it’s someone who is throwing or wants to have pretty numbers even if they lose.

Silvershard mine. 1v1 feral killed him mid, cap, killed him top, cap. (team getting slaughtered at lava) I cap another mid from them… go to lava swap to top, go cap try to cap feral has zerk and i dont have trinket. UH is up there and he someone gets 2 shot thru IBF, we lose top i go win turned lava people come and we win as it goes in

1350-1300 . Lava stays turn we have mid and it caps before top > we hold it all the way until the end like we did lava turned.

Blitz is a joke.

mfw people hate blitz, not because it fractures the PVP community even more than it already was, but because it is “a joke.” (they’re just bad at the game)

This is the truth. I will not elaborate further.

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Seratox got his first 2400 in Blitz, he’s going to take everything personally and is highly prone to being upset.

Go q 3’s with your friends from the forums. :wink:

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Worst part is I bet you actually believe that. lmao

I just checked and Seratox has higher 3’s and shuffle xp than you.

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Knock it down to 2750 though. The 28-something was post 10.0.7 and we all know that doesn’t count.

(I also have higher 2s)