Haven’t seen any of these since shadowlands. Rate the xmog of the person above you!
Since I have no one to rate I will share something about myself: lately my favorite beverages while gaming include hot ginger tea and iced diet caffeine-free coke — side by side for temperature choices!
Happy gaming!
Hi! Nice thread!
I would say can’t go wrong with T2 but kind of basic. And did someone say thunderfury blessesed blade of the windseeker, always a nice sword to see.
Rate 6/10, too basic
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She looks too disciplined to be fun at the bar. 7/10
My faith comes in a mug.
8/10 i like the theme of undercover paladin working at the scrapyard for money to buy librams.
Rate my ambassador of faith mog.
Smith’s gotta eat too. Lightforged is a trademark.
Simple but gives off strong counselor ambassador vibes so i think u nailed what u where going for.
Looking like a very fun guy
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Oh man, the mushroom head is hilarious. 
Well done, fellow paladin.
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Listen, basic xmogs are just the staple of wow. Nothing wrong with basic full sets. I worked for the sets Im gonna use them full
on your mog : one of my favorite sets, needs to be remastered though. not much in the way of creativity but i get why you like it.
Good mix of sets, and very fitting for a blood elf paladin. It could just be the angle in the armory but I think you need a beefier sword.
You look like a spooky cool raid boss from the first few expansions of the game. Sort of a soulfire thing going on! I like it. 8/10
I love the simplicity of the alliance colors like a Paladin from stormwind that decided to serve the city instead of the order of the silverhand.
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I really like how you keep the orange-y cloth consistent by utilizing the orange recolor of the Plunderstorm leg trench coat. I also appreciate the throughline of yellow crystals on the shoulder and weapons.
However, it’s nothing against dwarves, but the model doesn’t do the trench coat justice as it clips against the boots. 8/10
Very stoic, gives a haggard war hero vibe. It just lacks that paladin polished/sparkly light look for me
Shirtless Sanguinius vibes(For W40k fans).
Big daddy E would be proud.
4/10. Nothing really looks good on tauren, unfortunately, but I dig the theme you were going for.
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The light blesses the human race and not these cow / people hybrids.
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You can’t go wrong with the classic sets. I always liked those old PVP sets despite not doing PVP. 10/10.
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