Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Actually a mechagnome I can appreciate!! 9/10

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I’m sorry dude but I’m not a fan at all. Blademaster necklace with DK shoulders and gloves with skimpy pants and no shirt. Then you topped it off with a flower crown. I have no idea what look you’re going for.


Very brown, but the touches of blue set it off nicely, 10/10.

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Lmfao. I love getting roasted when my mog is for me and nobody else. Ty for the laugh

… then why post in a thread where the point is to rate the mog above you? If you don’t want critiques then don’t ask for them.

Still a solid 9/10 from me. Sorry you got skipped.

p.s. I just wanted to thank YOU for the laugh. “DON’T CRITIQUE ME WHEN I ASKED TO BE CRITQUED REEEEEE” :rofl: :rofl:


I can’t quite put my finger on why this isn’t working better for me. It’s a good-looking set, but for some reason I’m just kinda meh on it? The more I look at it, the more I feel like I should like it. Maybe it’s just the armory using a really unflattering pose for female tauren and robes.

8/10 because I feel like I’d like it better if I saw it in-game. I especially appreciate how it compliments your character customizations.

(Gotta get this one rated before the holiday times out)

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This is a very cool mog. I don’t like the low rez weapons but the armor is pretty damn snazzy. 9/10

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Skyte. I knew I was forgetting something this week. There goes my Reindeer pet. ;w;

Don’t rate me.


Birds of a feather.

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9/10, only thing that would make it better is if you were a dark iron dwarf.

8/10 i like the practical plate look. Orcs are simple yet effective and efficient

10/10, love the witch doctor vibe.

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5/10 no idea what your going for with the look.

Anyway swapped to my new main rather then my forum alt who has probably my fav mog I’ve put together tbh :3

You look like an exotic werewolf dancer that belongs in SWTOR but somehow stumbled in WoW.


Look kinda like a discount knight that doesn’t actually fight, so he used gold on all his armor to look like he is above it.


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looks at her own armor hehe

your shield is ginormous! 10/10

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8/10, like the theme, just something about it feels odd on a mage.

i am standing behind you.
anyone sees you coming will either get out of the way or be crushed like a soda can
9/10 just because i would wonder what helmet you would choose to go with it

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Simple, clean, elegant; the outfit of someone who likes things done quickly and precisely. 9/10.

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8/10, full barbarian/spartan look isn’t my cup of tea.