Marry me / 10
Looks a bit confused and really doesn’t fit together well. The Phoenix store mog and the daggers go together well but that’s about it 4/10
i like all of it, except legs. 9/10
pretty. 10/10
First time I’ve ever seen a mechagnome mog I actually like. Solid mog 9/10
Looks badass, love it! Maybe more matching weapons, even though those are gorgeous! 9½/10
Oh ffs forgot to reply, coffee required!
how cool! the boots are fantastic 10/10
Not a fan of asymmetric shoulders, but your outfit is otherwise balanced and not overdone.
Not a huge fan. It kind of seems like a bunch of random stuff thrown together with no logic. 3/10
This is probably as close as you can get to a perfect druid mog. Good job. 10/10
^^ paladin af
I just like a simple look lmao. My transmog gives me high school of the dead vibes or any other anime with a girl in it
Looks good. One of the few mogs that’s worked the eternal travelers mogs in well. 8/10
Cynical I’d say more weeb with their first katana vibe. The anime look is kind of hard to pull off in WoW without certain haircuts. 6/10
sharp! 10/10
Eh… 7/10. Looks a little too blocky, but a good vibe.
5/10 You’re a drac’thyr I have no idea.
I forgot to remog my belt oops
Yeah, that belt. I put my fingers over it to block out the green, and your outfit does work much better … except for that bit of purple at the top, which (IMHO) still hurts more than helps.
I’m giving you 6.5/10. Had those color issues (for me) not been present, then likely 9/10, because your character looks like a friggin’ formidable tank.
7 out of 10. The mog’s colors match aesthetically but I just don’t feel like there is much going on.
i like the helm but i think this one would go better with the legs
its just a huge time investment to get
10/10 love the armor
Greener than my garden! 10/10