Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Dark angel/San layn vibes. 8/10

Looks very Frost Wolf, 9/10.

8/10, very dark, but would prefer the shoulders and gloves have a bit more purple to match the rest.

gorgeous! 10/10

9/10 lot of character to it

you look fantastic. so much grandeur. 10/10


You’re pretty and shiny. :smiley:

Honestly besides the shoulders, it looks solid considering how many different armor sets you used to put it together

Solid 8.48/10 for the mix/match quality

that is frickin cool man, reminds me of like chaos knights in warhammer: vermintide

i googled it cause i havent played in forever and they wear way more armor but still u look frickin cool

wait dont rate me yet i sent my shoes in for a recrafting order


6/10 a good voidelf mog but you seem to be missing a lot lol

9/10 Black dragonflight vampire

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belt doesnt quite work buts its very purple 7.5/10 c:

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I love your purple mog! :3

Very cool looking. You look like a Predator! 10/10

I don’t love the color scheme, and the troll bow doesn’t fit your character. 5/10

nice hat needs more color.

interesting. you should get animal fist weapon to follow the theme. 9/10

Name matches the face perfectly. As far as I gnome, this could be a queen.


Garden gnome.


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superman 10/10