Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

beautifully delicate. 10/10

  1. you didn’t rate me. 2. its not supposed to be a full set.

Well you didn’t rate Hyper either. This is what happens when we skip people! Chaos.

I don’t like the boots. They look piratey and the rest of your mog looks primal. The tiny little axes are also out of place. 6/10

10/10 very beautiful. I love gray and purple together.

Really embraces the earthy vibes of the Tauren! Not priest looking, but giving 9/10 anyways. The staff leaves a bit to be desired for my taste, but it fits if you’re going for that more simple aesthetic. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

yes i did rate him. DID YOU EVEN READ THE POST?here ill help you.

what’s that a rating?

Point to where you rated Hyperspace and didn’t skip her:

I’ll wait. Still a 6/10 for you and I’ll rate Leoley in a sec (another person you just skipped)

That is a really cool mog. Very unique and I haven’t seen anything like it. 10/10 good job.

Looks great with the earthy colors; however, it makes me think Druid, but still good use of colors.10/10

I have a Dark Iron Shaman, and would like to use this design cause it looks so good. 11/10.

the one above me was a death knight. not hyperspace. its called rate the transmog ABOVE YOU. the original dk poster DID NOT RATE ME.

nightkick. hehe. i both like and dislike your mog. i like the salmon pink shades, where so much yellow is in the pink, its no longer pink, but an orange pink (salmon). but the near red bracers are just too blue to match the helm and belt. 9/10

love it.

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Soft, beautiful colors, generally well-coordinated. Just perhaps a bit too nuanced with detail for my tastes.

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this mog is very interesting. the gauntlets specificly tied with the claw aura makes me think that its a linked power gauntlet.

purple hair matches well with the purple inlined tattoos around the arms.

if i can make a soft suggestion, nighthold has a rogue set on ythic with daggers in the center piece covered in green glow. i think that would fit with the belt and eyes.

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i like it, works well for warlock theme 10/10


Kind of an odd theme for a priest. the Blood Troll pieces seem kind of out of place on it. And the staff is also kind of odd. 4/10

Kind of half expecting either Armory shenanigans or it caught you between mog updates.

When someone gets a low to semi low rating, I like to be nosy and take a peak at their hot garbage transmog. I have to say this is the first time I’ve seen someone get a low rating for a 10/10 mog.

I think you look really good. You nailed the old grizzled orc soldier to a tee. The only critique I have is your gloves and boots are slightly off. None of your other armor pieces have black in them and they got a “human knight” feel. 9/10


8/10. I dig the color scheme but personally a light blue tabard would look great. Something about the chest piece pattern sets off my OCD for some reason. lol

cool. would be interesting to see it with an icy blue one hand weapon and a fiery yellow offhand, to mirror your shoulders. 9.9/10

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Very bright, feels like it would fit a priest more, but still 10/10.

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that is an excellent orc mog. 10/10

so i took your suggestion and went more arcane mage and put the other set on my priest.

i know the robe is old but in game it looks amazing
i have the sparkle wings and darkshard fragment macroed to all my spells lol so they are up almost all the time

no wings

It looks okay. The shoulders really don’t match the robe, so they stick out like a sore thumb but the rest is decent. 7/10