Not sure where you’re going with this mog. Seems pretty disparate with the one constant of a lime green highlight.
Not sure where you’re going with this mog. Seems pretty disparate with the one constant of a lime green highlight.
This mog is fantastic. Very DK-y. 10/10
I love the color scheme 8/10
Still fits a DH though.
It’s alright. The belt is a little off to me, as are the gloves. They just don’t quite fit with the rest of the outfit in my opinion. You look threatening as heck, though. You’re a dangerous looking tauren, my large ungulate friend.
10/10 for gnome mog efforts (should be feat of strength) and +1 for the use of ungulate in a sentence!
Love the black pj’s like you’re ready for an evil pillow fight
Very gold, 9.5/10, while it’s all gold, the low resolution pieces do kind of clash imo, maybe it’s just me.
Well done.
Not exactly my cup of tea, but the colors all match well.
9.5/10, love the theme, just wish the gun had a bit more brown on it to tie in a bit more.
You are one handsome brahma.
9/10 Very demon hunter-ish.
This toon doesn’t need a mog.
Very sneaky of you sir.
Setmog/10 even if it is a set, it fits a Paladin.
This is more warrior than monk, but then doubles down on the oddity by carrying around a pair of glass fruit knives in place of real weapons…
The way of the wind knows no bounds though.
Plus, we clearly went to the same tatooist, as the pattern on the horns looks very familiar.
10 deadly blades if Wu-Tang /10
Its more of a druid set to me , then a DH , at least colors somewhat match … 5.5/10.
Dark iron gnome! 10/10
Very dark and voidy, can see how it could suit a warlock, 10/10.