Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

beautiful 10/10


I swap between two mogs so I will let you judge them both. These are my two Favoite mogs in game


9/10 on both, they both suit a warlock in their own way.


Sexy chest. Plate armor. A mix of Conan the Barbarian and Predator. 8/10.

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Very basic acolyte look 6/10

@Mekbkanc yours is pretty basic looking also so i say a 4/10.

Rumtumm love the shoulders, the head it the weak part but I like it. 7/10

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Oooh, a very ‘Prophet of Y’Shaarj!’ look. :scream:
Trolls generally give off a ‘hard to mog’ feeling so I’ll be generous – however that being said, I feel the troll-tusks actually make that headpiece look more horrifying in a satisfying way too. :grin: lol

Although I feel the weapon doesn’t suit to match :thinking: so I’ll say 7 / 10. :yum:

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I like the theme, and how well the blue and gold work. I’m not a huge fan of the helm tho 7.5/10

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7/10 get and like the theme, but the colors clash a bit much for my personal taste.

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:sob: Oof @ the helm … But I kind agree, however wanted to rock the ‘Mage Hunter’ vibes from the Blue Dragonflight / Malygos’s army in Wotlk :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Disclosure: Next person please rate @ Akinoz’s mog, I was replying upon my own rate provided. :slight_smile:

502 bad gateway can’t rate it sorry. 7/10 for barechested real orc asethic???

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Think that’s just random gear and not a transmog

:frowning: 1/10

10/10. the tat peaking over the goggles, makes you look wounded. the gear is awesome

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7/10. Got a great foundation but could use a bit more balance in the gloves and boots.

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Very dark and warlock, only thing is the green on the weapon, I get fel, but would have gone with a darker color to match the purples on the mog, 8/10.

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your robe is so good that if i were you i’d try to match to it, even if it means no tat. 9.999/10



If you had some blue to go with the belt, I’d give it 10/10.

yeah oddly enough, it looks much better when the tabard displays properly. apparently, armory doesnt like it when you wear a blank guild tabard. the original effect makes her look like a pencil drawing with a dash of blue color.

yours is classic. 10/10

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The Arcane feel is woven through your transmog really nicely. 9/10

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