Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

love the staff. 10/10

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Sorry Rainbow, but I keep getting 404ed trying to look at you.

Taelore, 8/10.

this is taelore. its the same one as i am wearing, from uldaur, i do believe.

p.s. your mog is adorable. 10/10

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Without being able to see it in context with him, I can’t really comment.

Did you want a rating for Thrives or you were just showing the item?

I rate you 9.5/10, very cute & adorable.

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That’s why; you changed your name and I missed that.

Yeah, that one is much better.

I update my rating to 8/10. Feels more Druid than Monk, but much better weapon.

If you had to add or remove something, what would you recommend?

Lets try again. I’ve already rated Candi before at 10/10. But, for some reasons that made trolls go CRAZEEE! :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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I just feel you could use a better weapon with more updated pixels.

As for Zyhuna, I dunno, maybe try to find a pair of pants that match your top over the skirt? I was going to suggest the PvP set from Draenor, but I don’t think that shade of white would match with the chest.

First things first 10/10

The little candle on the head is what nets the 10. Like some kind of eccentric little gnome cabalist who would fit in to lawful society but something just seems… off… about her. The sha based weapon might be it… or the candle.

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How noticeable is the difference between the pants and chest, do they at least somewhat match? i’m gonna try some new pants tomorrow but just asking in the meanwhile. :relaxed:


You look great!

Zyhuna, it’s a noticeable difference in shades of white.

sure, though i think you may have already a couple months ago. its almost a full set but dang those wings flap.

8/10 love the green theme.

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What about this one? /outfit v1 70497,87888,0,112406,7057,0,46590,111466,112566,85837,9803,87880,40217,-1,0,0,0

just use that outfit link in WoW and it shows you gear.

Also Nightshield, 9/10 cause you remind me of a vanilla warrior in all green armor.

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10/10 Very fitting for NE monk

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Big, Dark Ranger energy you’ve got going on and I like it.

Zyhuna, that looks much better. I was futzing around on a fresh NE Male toon to fully appreciate it, and found that if you go with a dark purple/grey skin tone and white hair, you could also use the Silver Hand tabard.

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gnomes are always cute and red is my favorite color. bonus points for the candle, as now I can see where ever you go :slight_smile:


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10/10 for the candle that brings it all together.

@Akyda It certainly fits a lightforged draenei but the gloves seem a bit off to me 8/10